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══ஓ๑ In The Dark [IC] [open!] ๑ஓ══╗

Posted 2022-12-05 14:44:01 (edited)

Was talking a way to distract them while he planned on drinking their blood?

I wonder if I taste like chicken…

The harpy stared at the one called Préachán with unblinking eyes. With this company, rest hasn't passed his mind. This talk of quarters, and money… things to use, and not to accumulate, as far as Ichabod was concerned. He only carried enough to get by, only slept where he felt safe, only owned what he could lift while gliding. His life had been a long one, as the vampires would be, and he noted that they would prefer to spend it very differently.

"Sure, sure," He answered mildly after a beat, "I suppose above all else, I'm interested in… hmm, seeing what sort of trouble this is all going to cause." Lifting his cloak with his wings to do a bow, he turned to Erytha briefly, "Trouble, done respectfully, of course."
Heehoo 𓆏

Posted 2022-12-05 16:10:05

✧ Erytha ✧

The Naga watched the group, flicking through her notes and eventually setting them down.

"Our last... possibility has yet to arrive. Those who have signed, take a seat. Those who have not, make your decision now before I continue."

They pause, letting people choose, and set their notes aside.

"You can take the remainder of this day, fourteen hours including both day and night, to explore and choose your room within this area, able to see this window at least dimly."

Erytha turned, gesturing at the cavern walls and ceiling, lined with various buildings. Winged People could be seen darting in and out of houses hung from the cavernous roof, platforms hung for landing pads. Various scaled creatures and half-creatures climb the houses built into the walls. Apartments were built as normal as well, tucked away between various smaller buildings.

"Wherever suits you, provided you are able to see a signal from this window when you are needed. I will provide money and cards to ensure you are not bothered as you make your way through, as well as a pin. When the lights come on, you will have ten minutes to arrive at my door where Shade will meet you. Then we can discuss further."

A second to move out of the pool and gesture at a wide but low opening in the wall through the window.

"Water will rush through there and a mix of natural and magic-made lights will essentially turn on. If you are not used to the lights then you'll wake up. If you are, then make sure you're awake and here in time."

The Naga turns to their desk, pins and cards making their way from the dark drawer.

"The cards are simply to show to anyone who owns an apartment you are interested in, if anyone is currently living in it. If there's no one and it is empty, simply pin it to the door and I will ensure those apartments are claimed in your name. Or alias, depending on your choice. Money is to buy supplies..." The door opens and Shade returns, grey wings folded neatly behind them and carrying a tray with multiple dark pouches, evidently full of coin. "and the pin is to ensure no one... tries anything. If they are foolish enough to try anything more than backchat and big talk, then do what you see fit. If you're feeling helpful, drop them off at the closest medical centre. There are vampire-friendly feed centres, please ensure you make your way there instead of taking randoms off the street. That applies to anyone who may have different dietary needs, there will doubtless be people to point you in the general direction of what you may need."

Erytha takes the tray and sets it on the desk, tapping the closest pouch. "This is more than enough for what you should need. If you're organised enough, feel free to go searching for room supplies, but this is primarily to get you food, drink, and clothes you don't mind having blood on."

"If that's clear, pick a bag, card, and pin. Shade will escort you outside."

Erytha moves each card and pin forward, setting them together. The pin is simple, a dagger backed by a diamond, similar to Erytha's scales. The card is imprinted with a similar motif, a scrawled but elegant word underneath. Erytha moves away, letting the group fetch their new supplies.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2022-12-22 16:02:55 (edited)
Préachán took a seat once again, listening,but only getting interested when the vampire feeding part came up. "I will make no absolute promises for where I feed. While I want to believe my self control is decent it certainly isn't perfect. So, I would like to apologize for any accidents I may cause. If I do end up... losing control, please forgive me. Even if I am satisfied, some scents are very tempting, and hard to forget. For comparison, imagine yourselves being... shall we say, absolutely starving, and someone made your very favorite meal, and you can smell it, and it's just so tempting, but it is not for you, and you can't have any. Would you be able to resist?" He asked, trying to keep it short, but leaving it off with a question he did not desire any answer to.

Shortly after that, he got up to grab the items from the tray. The money pouch tempted him most, and he took one of them first, calmly opening it to study the contents, then quickly pocketed it, took a pin, and a card.

"So, we can just have our choice of rooms? Very generous, I must admit." He stated, turned and began to prepare to leave, wanting to feed first, before doing anything else, not having fed properly for a few days, due to laying low.
"A small question though. These 'feed places', are they always open? I'm a fan of midnight snacks. And mid-day. Well, whenever I feel like it snacks as well." He stated, with a grin, leaned on the wall, his hood once again up. "Also, the rest is understood, but how I choose to take my meals is up to me, and most of the time, I will do as asked, but hunger is hunger, and one can never know what one craves until it hits you." He carried on, in a low tone.


Posted 2023-01-15 16:33:13

✧ Erytha ✧

Nothing betrayed what the Naga was thinking, coiled tail still as she watched.

"They are always open. But listen close, vampire. Should you continue to act in such an impudent manner, should you stray too far from the rules I have set, you will find yourself easily cast aside. If you are in one of my centres, how you eat does not bother me. If you are on the streets or in equally public areas and choose to feed on someone who is unwilling, you will not live long enough to leave the underground. That goes for everyone here. You will not draw attention through foolish acts and ignoring any of the rules I have specifically mentioned - unless a life or death matter - will be the last mistake you make."

The avian once more steps forward, but only to Erytha's side, passing her a letter. A quick glance over it before she snorts derisively, handing it back.

"Come prepared for business tomorrow. Weapons, protection, clothes you don't mind getting dirty. Be sensible until then." A wave of her hands and a spider hybrid appears, holding the door open with one of the eight legs bursting from her back.

"She'll escort you out. I will see you tomorrow." The Naga uncoils her tail, gliding across the floor and pausing to tell the spider hybrid something under her breath before disappearing down the hallway. The avian waits for the group to finish taking their supplies silently, picking up the trays and following Erytha.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2023-01-16 15:04:22

Zara was quick to move forward to claim the supplies. 'Free money! Don't mind if I do…' she said silently, flashing a crooked smirk. Grabbing the bag of coins first, quickly disappearing in her pocket to be counted later, she also moved for the card and pin. After examining the detailing on the pin, she gave it a quick flick with her thumb, the item spinning briefly through the air before she caught it and hooked it to her cloak.
"Fourteen hours from now." She repeated back to the Naga in acknowledgement, while examining the card, before it too quickly disappeared between the folds of her coat. Zara started for the door, the soft leather of her boots making quiet thumping noises against the hard surface of the floor. Once she passed between the Vampire and the Naga, she paused briefly.
"See you around Préachán. Working with you will definitely be more interesting than I thought." She said, flashing a crooked grin, eyes squinted, before cocking her head at an angle to look up at the Queen.
"Hey, take it easy scales. We're all in this together now." She said, still showing that amused grin, before walking off, not waiting for a response.
Zara knew that she was only asking for problems, talking to the queen like that, but she had to admit, it was very amusing seeing other peoples reactions when she did it. Besides, she didn't have any particular fear toward the Naga, it was obvious she needed them, despite her comments that they were replaceable. Giving a small nod in greeting to the spider creature, she passed through the doorway, and out to explore.

The first thing Zara had planned was to pick a room, assess it, and go from there. She had to admit, the place was impressive, admiring the architect behind all the hanging buildings. All of them perfectly suspended, some even over completely empty air, yet all seemed to be sturdily built and sound. She settled on one toward the bottom but still a couple levels off the ground floor. Close to the  ground entrance for a quick escape, but she could still make her escape upward, should the situation need it. The room looked empty thankfully, Zara not feeling like evicting some other poor resident just because she fancied a nicer place to sleep. The first thing she did was start a thorough inspection of the apartment; taking notes of entrances, exits, possible hiding places, even examining it on a smaller scale, should she find anything planted there by their gracious new employer. You could never be to careful after all.
Finally satisfied that the room was thoroughly combed and free of anything of worry, she tucked her things away out of sight, not wanting to unpack just yet. Making sure she had all of her things in order, and was properly armed, Zara headed out the door, now pulling out the pouch of money to count its contents. She made mental notes of things she'd need for her stay; food, a personal security system for the room, as well as possibly stocking up on supplies and new weapons too. There was certainly enough in here to cover all of it. 'But at least the pay is decent.' She thought to herself happily as she made her way to the general direction of some nearby stores and shopping centers.


Posted 2023-01-17 05:46:35
"Way to take half the fun out of eating. As you wish, though. I will not be 'impudent' as you call it. I rather like living, but just making you aware, my queen, that I am technically dead already. That's vampirism for you." Préachán replied, turned towards Zara. "She has a point. You do not need to like me, but you hired me, so, unless you kill me, which I rather hope you won't, you are working with me, like it or not. Likewise, Zara, this could be interesting. I don't expect to be liked, but just throwing in a reminder, that you hired me, and I signed and here I am."  He said, with a smirk, gave the queen a polite, but not genuine, bow. More out of a sense of duty than actually trying to be polite. "As for never leaving the underground, the world above has this extremely irritating thing they call the sun. Everyone's always out in it, but I really don't see the appeal. Not all that it's hyped up to be. It's just... light. A lamp does the same thing, and yet no one except moths love those in the same way." He added, gathered his things, then walked out the door quickly afterwards, not even sparing the hybrid a glance, as he lept up the stairs, quietly, headed towards an avaliable apartment, went in to check that it was empty, which to his relief, it was. It was certainly bigger than he needed, but would work none the less. He put the card on the door, set his belongings down right by the door, intending to fix it all later. First things first, was to eat. Eating would be a relief, it had been longer than he liked. It'd be well needed, as his body had been reminding him of for quite a while. Sure, the vials were a small help in it, but not enough, not the same. Fresh was best, and it almost made the hunger go away completely, but only almost. He could practically taste it already. Once finished he returned to his apartment, counted the money, pinned the pin to his cloak, and went out to get supplies, starting with some new boots, then clothes.


Posted 2023-01-20 09:50:09 (edited)

Zara wandered the bustling city streets. She was careful to keep the bag of coins tucked away, and her pin proudly showing. She kept her head held high, taking in the spanning underworld city; Its structures not just sprawled across the land, but upward too. More hanging shops, suspended walkways, occupied houses, and much more filled the air above her, not unlike the residential areas the Queen had put them in.

She passively browsed the shops and stands, occasionally poking her head into some stores if something happened to catch her eye. She wasn't quite sure what kinds of supplies she would need, nor what kinds of missions the Naga would expect them to run. Would she need some more covert things, in case she found herself running around in the upper world? Or perhaps just go for raw power? Something to get jobs done quickly.
As she browsed, she did spy one thing that caught her eye. A small silver ring, in the shape of a coiling snake, wrapping around her finger. The snakes mouth wide open, looking as if it was about to strike. It  looked to be hollow, with a small stopper in the mouth. Something to hold a small amount of poison, or other helpful drug.

Her new purchase already in place on her finger, she set off down the full street, careful to keep her distance from others, especially potential pick-pockets. The loud clamor of shuffling feet, paws, and other limbs, mixed in with hundreds of loud conversations and the general noise of the area was slowly getting on Zara's nerves. She was used to being alone most days, and the noises grated on her senses. She quickly decided to duck into a nearby dining area, the smell of food more than inviting. It seemed cozy, wooden tables and chairs, and looked to be tidy and well kept. The eating area pleasantly quiet for being just outside the street. There were only a handful of other patrons, all of them looking to be keeping to themselves. She ordered something that seemed like it wouldn't be too bad, even if some of the food in the dish looked to be questionable at best. Taking her food, she settled down toward the back of the place, the door in her line of sight, able to keep an eye on anyone entering or leaving.


Posted 2023-02-19 13:00:17
Préachán enjoyed the city life, if in moderation. Crowds were a good place to blend, occasionally take an item or two from a rich looking person's pocket, then turn around and sell it to someone else for profit.
He browsed, found a pair of boots that looked identical to the ones he already wore, but brand new. Sturdy, which he valued, and comfortable. While he was there, he bought a messenger bag to store items in.
Not an interesting buy, but, a neccesary one none the less.

Now that that was dealt with, he carried on. Buying new clothes was useless, his would do, and he certainly didn't mind getting them dirty. Though, the dining area always was a decent spot to learn what people knew, or thought. Or just to listen. On his way, he decided to buy a brand new vial, more on impulse, but partly because of the design. Metal, and certainly not silver. The shape of the cork was the entire reason he bought it. It was a small crow's head made of iron, painted black.

Once by the dining area he sat down, the vial in his hands, watching patrons, and noticing Zara. "Found anything interesting yet?" He asked, leaned back in his seat, and put the flask away into his bag.


Posted 2023-02-22 23:52:10

Zara hadn't made it far into her food before noticing an already semi familiar figure walk in. 'Hmm' she hummed to herself, leaning back in her seat with a casual smile of greeting.
"A few things here and there." She stated simply, giving a soft shrug as Préachán sat down nearby.
"Would be easier if we knew what plans the Queen expects of us, though I suppose not really knowing is part of the fun." She says, flashing a mischievous grin.
There was a lull of silence briefly, giving her time to finish off her food, before she spoke up again.
"Now, Préachán, I can't much help the lack of information I have about this Naga, but what about you? I happen to spend most of my time in the upper world so unfortunately have little knowledge about the species that live down here. So tell me about yourself." Zara starts, leaning forward as she speaks.
"You here for some proper dining?" She joked, but only partially; an underlying wary questioning there. She didn't know much of anything about vampire feeding habits, and questioned if he would try anything in this secluded little diner. To be honest she disliked being surrounded by equally, or even more powerful beings down here all the time. She preferred knowing she was the strongest in the room, even if others didn't quite know it yet.


Posted 2023-02-23 07:46:31
"The Queen no doubt has reasons not to tell, but I expect we'll find out sooner or later." Préachán replied, shifted slightly in his seat. "I used to spend time in the upper world, sometimes as myself, sometimes as my other self. However, this is my hometown. It is, obviously, full of creatures. I'm a shapeshifter, but also a vampire, which, as far as I know is not that common. I've never met another who's both. Not yet at least. I was born a shapeshifter, and it's a whole other world, that's got its perks. The vampirism, is... easiest explained as almost constant hunger, and no matter what, it never stays gone long enough. It's always there. Every second. It hurts, in a way I never knew that hunger could. Anyway, when I became a vampire, I thought my shapeshifter days were done, but no. I felt the same, just with better hearing, sight, and smell." He said, leaning forward as well. "I became a thief, and a pickpocket before I was 10,  few years after my... well, never mind." He carried on, his expression slightly pained, just for a split second,  before quickly changing  the subject.  "Dining? Here? Wouldn't dream of it. While I could, it is about as useful as a human eating ice. In terms of nutritional value, it won't offer me much. It won't kill me, or make me sick, but has no use for me either. I come here to listen to what people talk about, and to sell things I 'find' to buyers. The noble folk also visit the shops around here, and sometimes leave with a few trinkets less than they had when they arrived." He stated, with a slight laugh, grabbed a pin from his pocket, and studied it. "Who even feels a need to show off their family's symbol like that? I mean, it's well made and all, but it's such a waste of money, for them. It's mine now though. Not my fault they don't keep an eye on their trinkets."


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