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|| Corv's Lore Commissions || Cheap

|| Corv's Lore Commissions || Cheap
Posted 2022-11-07 03:45:52

Welcome to Corv's Humble Writing Shop!

Gaze averted down on your paws until now, a strange den appears in your sight. Sunlight filtered through the lush canopy of its mossy entrance, as you hesitate quite a bit before inhaling some fresh confidence and walking into the cave, ready to face possible dangers which might await you here. Yet, your wary expectations were false. Ragged pages scattered all along your tangled way, dusty feathers of various avians swirling in the air, forcing out a loud sneeze, accompanied with an irritated ear twitch. You hear quiet, obsessed mumbling.

The owner of the voice sensed the spreading awkward commotion, peeking out to observe her new visitor. She was a small crow, no more than a critter bird you've seen while exploring wilderness, her common plumage vividly dark like coal and thoughtful eyes icy and striking, sparkling in excitement while staring at you as the corvid approached, hopping. You noticed she was missing a talon, springing back in surprise.

"There's no need to worry!" She stuttered out with a soft chuckle, plucking out one of her curled, clumped feathers. It seemed like the avian had no time to preen herself, you thought, as a twinge of empathy ran through your body. Silence spread through the den for a moment, before the swift, energised cawing continued.

"O-oh! It seems like you came for my work!" The crow exclaimed, pausing to turn and dig in pages of poor writing. While she was distracted, maliciously you managed to snatch a shiny gilded cone from a pile of these rare treasures, getting away with that unnoticed. The corvid paid no attention to your pretended innocence as she displayed some writing to you.

"Unsettling darkness, luring shadows and eerie mist beneath your stumbling paws, the old, heady scent of fallen fir uncontrollably tangling your mind and luring your lost soul further onto the dense forest. Meaningful yet quiet, wary whispers are deafened by the fantasy of possible danger you imagine. Birds caw, threatening to consume your tired remnants as nothing but invisible ashes are left from your past consciousness, which remained just before you've wandered onto this place. This might be the end, the very last moments, the whole possibilities of free life in wilderness flashed through your gloomy gaze. In anticipation of a warm nest, softer than your own pelt and smell of it sweeter than your mother's breath your paws collapse, leaving your tired self on the damp, cold ground and letting the blood leak and calm the dust through your horrible wound."

"Like it? Do you like it? Want such to be written about you?" She hopped in excitement. The choice is after you.

One nice example is Introduction itself and the italic bit inside it. If you wan't something bigger and more explaining tryhard of my writing (what you'll receive on average), check out my den or Singing Crow's bio!


Every 100 words (approximately) would cost you 50

What I have on my den page would be approximately 500 / 2 from you!

How does it work?

I'll DM you with the finished paragraph, you can copy n paste everything!

Always paste this credit upon my writing part's end (without the ""):
"Written by Corv#69450"


For den page:
Length (approximately in words):
Plot (What do I write about? Summarized main idea):

For wolf bio
Length (approximately in words):
Wolf/Wolves involved:
Plot (What do I write about? Summarized main idea):

I am subject to asking further details about the plot.

ð“„¿ Corv ð“…‚

Posted 2022-11-07 09:17:25

I've never ordered lore before so I'm kind of excited to see how it'll turn out!

User: Skulk, Leash & Earth
Length (approximately in words): 500? I've never ordered lore before so it's kind of testing to be honest.
Wolf/Wolves involved: Mirror and one of her relatives, possibly a sibling or parent, nobody in my pack though.
Plot (What do I write about? Summarized main idea): Mirror was betrayed by a close member in her family. Something to do with humans attacking her, make it seem like a miracle she got out alive. Nobody in my pack (again) because I don't want to have Mirror live with someone who almost killed her.

🦊Skulk, Leash & Earth🦊

Posted 2022-11-15 18:48:16 (edited)
I'll definitely have to order something soon!
Scruffy the Caracal

Posted 2023-08-21 18:59:20
For wolf bio
User: clover_wolf
Length (approximately in words): just 100 words please :) Or just anything under 150
Wolf/Wolves involved:
Plot (What do I write about? Summarized main idea): her expecting pups with a different pack member other than her own. (It is known as betraying in my pack.)
Payment: SC
Idk if you still doing this.

Posted 2023-08-23 03:55:20
Hello! In case you're still doing this...

For den page:
User: Nothing #92278
Length (approximately in words): Less than 800 ideally. But you can go over.
Plot (What do I write about? Summarized main idea): How naming ceremonies work in my Pack, but told from Alésia's perspective (she's a past Leader who wasn't born in the Pack).
Basically, when a pup becomes an adolescent, they're named after how they look like, how they act, how the interact with others, their hobbies... And there's a whole thing revolving around the Moon (since it's their religion thiny).
Payment: SC/GC

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