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Bring in cooldowns

Bring in cooldowns
Posted 2022-10-21 19:02:09 (edited)
I would really like to see cooldowns here. I think it would be really helpful for planning, such as exploring at a certain time in game, stocking food for when winter is coming, or figuring out when the lead wolf is retiring and need to plan when to get a heir in.

This was super helpful in Lioden so I don't see why Wolvden shouldn't have it too. I would really like to see the date that seasons change, how long until the time changes (dawn, day, dusk, night), and when the weather changes.

I mostly have a hard time getting into the lunar event since I take frequent breaks when my energy is down to 0 and I don't know when I should get back on to start collecting lunar energy. And when I do have the lunar energy, I don't know when night time is going to come back so I either come back and it's day, or i leave when it's dusk and then completely miss night time all together. It's very frustrating for me and it could be for a lot of other people too.

That and I really like to plan when to breed my lead wolf to get a heir when they're close to retirement and I hate being on a time crunch for that.

I know the admins really don't want to add things from Lioden to Wolvden to keep it different, but I really think the Cooldown addition would help a lot of players who like planning things out, myself included.

Thank you for reading my suggestion!

Edit: I found out this already exists. Thank y'allĀ  for letting me know about this!

Posted 2022-10-21 19:52:45
If you tap on your on your username at the top of the page it should come up with a dropdown menu. Third option down should be the cooldowns page (it is on mobile) ^^


Posted 2022-10-22 08:30:39
Thank you for telling me!

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