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Feedback Request: Traveling Wolves

Posted 2022-10-14 12:06:00
Sorry, guys, I've never used Gypsy in a derogatory way, and yeah...sorry.
🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾

Posted 2022-10-14 12:19:07
Yeah. I've never had a problem with people "farming decor" because I only put what I'm willing to lose on the wolves I've hosted (only 1 or 2 so far). If people really are worrying about decor farming, it makes sense to maybe just allow each person send out 1 or 2 wolves at once. And maybe if they're called back, they have to wait so many days to go out again - between 3 and 5. That way people waste time by constantly recalling the wolf just to take the decor.


Posted 2022-10-14 12:21:49
@Violetta It's okay. You didn't know! Now you do :)


Posted 2022-10-14 14:10:00 (edited)
Quite frankly, I've never seen the appeal to Traveling wolves, but I'll try to keep that opinion out of my thoughts lol

I personally rely on a role for quite a bit of lore, which I and I'm assuming at least a small handful of other players would find the whole not having a role thing to be a disadvantage. If a host can do absolutely nothing besides add things to a wolf's bio, I feel like we should have an extra group of slots for them, like with Immortal wolves. At least this way a wolf that is useless to a pack wouldn't be taking up a slot that could help them provide for said useless wolf. I'm sure there will be plenty of newer players who love the idea but won't be able to participate due to the wolf taking up a valuable slot in their pack for wolves with roles. Obviously not as expensive as Immortal slots, but still a different grouping of slots for Traveling wolves. This idea is only IF traveling wolves will not get an additional role besides the Traveling wolf role.

I'm very partial to the idea of making a personalized set of rules for each traveling wolf, kind of like what items a raffle can choose to accept. This would allow a host to breed, add markings or change a base, or perhaps even have an additional role (to raise stats/level up or just provide an alternative for the wolf being pretty much useless to a player), if the owner was open to the idea. Of course, this would be chosen before gifting the traveling wolf and would probably be included with the call back feature/page to allow the owner to change rules as they see fit.

Also, I'm curious about the whole Owners setting the role. I'd assume the first pack to set the wolf as a traveling wolf would be able to change the role once returned. Would this allow the original owner to then edit the former traveling wolf's bio, make it so the owner could only add to the bio and edit what they've put in, or just lock a wolf as a traveling wolf forever?

Hollow Howls

Posted 2022-10-14 14:49:10 (edited)
If the wolf provides any addition to the pack - whether breeding, boosts to pack, watching pups, taking an additional roll, etc - the feature shouldn't have unique Traveling Wolf slots - unless these slots costed an amount of gc/sc to unlock. There needs to be some sort of balance and limit for something like this. Otherwise, people will use the traveling wolf slots as additional slots. Need a pupsitter? Or a boost? Or whatever they provide? Just get a cheap Traveling Wolf slot and make sure you always have a wolf there. Friends could even misuse this feature by exchanging wolves long term for free spaces.

The balance for immortal slots being they're expensive and the wolves in the pack cannot contribute in any way outside of lore/decorations. They really are an end of game money spender more than anything.

While I don't believe Travel slots should be expensive as Immortal slots, there still needs to be some sort of trade off. And which the way all the ways mentioned (in the last 29) pages contribute being complicated, it's probably best that they don't contribute anything to the pack. Then it would be fine for Traveling Wolves to be additional slots.

My following points are in no relation to Hollow Howls, just some more things I've been thinking about

Three Strong Reasons to Keep Wolves from Breeding

I am clearly anti-breed stance for traveling wolves, but even if you disagree with me and think that wolves should breed, I want you to consider how these will consider your gameplay experience in the future.

1: Rare & Popular Wolves Being More in Demand than Others

I think this hasn't been something discussed so far. If wolves are allowed to breed, there is a large possibility it may create "popular and in demand" wolves. In a world where the host gets to keep the puppies, who wouldn't want the chance to breed something incredibely rare and saught after?

I think this is less of a problem now because of At Risk Trading. A lot of users won't risk sending out valuable wolves because there's a strong chance of losing them forever. The host - in the current system - could just decide to keep the wolf. Nothing is stopping them from doing so. This keeps the system a bit more in balance.

If we are able to send out Traveling Wolves without the risk of them being stolen or changed, this will give the oppertunity for people to send out really beautiful and unique wolves: Unique Chased NBWs, Badgers, Foxes, Specials, Genetic Carriers, and any new rare features that could be released in the future. Consider New Bases, but also combo bases, combo markings, rare eyes, mutated wolves, and all kinds of stuff. Super cool potential!

But when there are few "unique rare" wolves, people will be in demand for these wolves. If these wolves are open for breeding, it will cause people to want to breed with these wolves over the other traveling wolves. There are a LOT of consequences to a scenario like this.

  • People Leaving Slots Empty just Incase they get a Chance for Rare Wolves

  • People Fighting/Begging over Rare Wolves

  • People Bribing for Rare Wolves

  • The situation where people are Paying/Raffles/etc for Rare wolves.

  • If bribes/payment are disallowed, the modbox issues this would create.

  • Pressure from users to be the next person for the wolf / the use of waiting lists

  • Finally, that all other wolves will be less in demand. People might be less willing to accept a wolf from a newer user as the wolf is simple. Why would they bother when they could use the time and space breeding a T3?

2: Traveling Wolves Can be Used as a Reverse Breeding System

(Also Known as Traditional Breeding)

This point mostly related to another Promise Mechanic that is used within the game. I will quickly explain reverse breeding for anyone who hasn't heard of it before: the stud you want to breed with is out of slots, so you send your wolf (with a nest, payment, and an instant delivery depending), they breed the wolf for you, and once the pups are born they send the wolf back with the pups. To be noted this is not covered by moderation as it is Promise Trading

This could cause a whole range of problems. Firstly, people will be paying for the chance to host the Traveling Wolf. If this is something that is disallowed, trades will still be arranged, just more sneakily. This will cause situations where people are caught breaking the rule, adding work to the modbox.

But most importantly, this may cause a butterfly effect of more promise trading. If the pups wean to the host and the mother returns to the owner, then the host will need to send the pups back to the owner, which is only a "promise to send them back. If currency is being sent with the host, the host can just decide not to breed the wolf. The currency was sent to them as "promise to breed the wolf" and will also not be protected. Both of these situations add more work to the modbox.

I only bring this up because it creates a dangerous potential for further scamming - which is what the feature was instended to fix in the first place, as well as possibly relieving some pressure off the modbox.

3: Not Allowing Breeding Could Open the Potential of Immortal Wolves

Immortal Wolve aren't currently good for a lot of things. You get to love them, dress them, and create lore for them. Traveling Wolves are also heavily a lore feature. This would be a great oppertunity to bridge the two concepts.

Imagine a world where instead of sitting in your den all day, you could send out your immortals as traveling wolves. That they could be given the roll - whether a pup, adult, or lethal - and travel the wolvden world. Because immortals aren't allowed to participate on clan rolls or breeding - due to it being gamebreaking - this could be a possible roll they could do.

But something like this is only possible if the two features are VERY similar. It would require too much coding to make it that immortal Travelers can't do roles and breed, while nonimmortal ones can. Not to mention that this would be extremely complicated and a little too much for newbies to learn.

The only complication may be that immortal wolves can "item farm" forever, but you could figure out some type of limit for this. Honestly, you could set a Traveling Wolf to only collect 10 items in it's lifetime. This would fix a lot of the fears that I seem to see about people using the feature for their own personal gain. Or you could just make it so that Immortals are locked into their current clothing, since many people already dress their immortals and may just want the lore experience.

This would give "end game" players with a lot of GC something to do. Many of them are already collecting immortals, so why not find a fair use for them? But it would also work for newer players that immortalize their first stud/lead, and would like to continue making memories with them even when their time in the clan has passed.

Final Point

This feature works best as a fully lore feature because it gives the roleplaying/lore community something to do within the realms of the game. When you start overcomplicating it, it then becomes a site feature, and needs to be balanced for the entire game. There are many ripple effects to each small feature added and too much is not always a good thing.


Posted 2022-10-14 15:19:36
This sounds like an excellent game and a really cool way to get involved in the community

Posted 2022-10-14 15:43:22
I'm starting to highly agree with slothie. Fixing one issue could really lead to a whole bunch more. It's probably best to leave travelers as a forum game and just rely on people taking their own chances to play.


Posted 2022-10-14 15:51:35
I just honestly feel like this would be a good thing. Maybe keep breeding, maybe with an option to immediately bring all pups to the owner of the traveler as soon as their born.

That's my opinion.
WolfFox 🐺 🦊

Posted 2022-10-14 15:54:09
Or maybe have there be a little "control" box for traveling wolves that only the owner who selected it to be one to change the rules for example

Allow Breeding: on/off
Allow Roles: on/off
Allow applicators: on/off


Posted 2022-10-14 15:55:33
I agree with AlphaSnowSong!

Perix- Badger Hoarder