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No idea what I’m doing

No idea what I’m doing
Posted 2022-10-10 01:08:08
This is fun but confusing

Posted 2022-10-10 09:14:53
Anything in particular you're confused about?


Posted 2022-10-10 17:47:42
Yeah can I breed with other wolf males or is it just my starter?

Posted 2022-10-11 06:16:47
You can breed to other wolf males, both in your pack and males outside of it. you can find outside stud services in the Chatter section, under Stockpile, then Studs. The cost of a stud service is up to the owner. If you find a wolf that you'd like to stud a female to, make sure that your female has enough energy to breed, that her mood is at least at 80%, then you'll need to go to the males breeding page. Some people put direct links to it in their stud page, but if they don't you can find it on the studs profile in their breeding information. It will be a blue bar that reads "Breed to this Breeding Male". then you select the female you wish to breed, your payment method, and wait for the stud to complete your request.

If there are males within your own pack that you want to breed and who are not your breeding male, you can create pair bonds. Go to your breeding page in your den, select pair bonding, and select the two wolves you wish to bond. A few things to keep in mind while pair bonding.

1. You can have MxM and FxF bonds, but they cannot produce children. (They can however adopt puppies from the enclave).
2. The wolves must be adults.
3. The wolves must have been in your pack for at least 8 days
4. The cannot be in a pair bond cooldown. When you break a pairbond the two wolves go into a 30 rollover cooldown where they are unable to bond until after that time.

After you make a pairbond you can go to Pair Lists, and you'll see a large blue Breed button under the pair. They can only breed if the female is in heat.

Hope that helps!


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