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Cheap T1 puppies for sale! New Isabel puppy for auction!

Cheap T1 puppies for sale! New Isabel puppy for auction!
Posted 2020-10-25 20:37:28 (edited)

Welcome! This is the puppy sale by me and 
Wonderem! Puppies that are weaned will be given a flat price, and cheap puppies will be given a flat price. Other newborn puppies will be auctioned, which will end on the day they are weaned. Pictures are of the puppies aged up, at their natural opacities.

Minimum bid increase is:
10sc on pups with starting bids less than 100.
50sc on pups with starting bids 100 or higher.

GC/SC ratio is 1:60.

If puppies happen to die, the highest bidder will be informed. Please do not back out of bids.

Tier II

Puppy 1
Isabel (0.05%) Muted Light II BREED ONLY
5 Markings
194 Stats

SB - 180sc/3gc
CB -
AB - 900sc/15gc


Tier I

Puppy 2
Cream (2.24%) Muted Medium I
3 Markings
182 Stats

Price - 20sc

Puppy 3 
Khaki (2.95%) Cool Medium I
4 Markings
181 Stats

Price - 20sc

Puppy 4
Honey (.61%) Muted Medium I
3 Markings
198 Stats

Price - 20sc

Puppy 5
Dark Brown (2.96%) Muted Dark I
3 Markings
194 Stats

Price - 20sc

Puppy 6
Beige (.217%)
3 Markings
199 Stats

Price - 20sc


Posted 2020-10-25 22:34:39

SB on pup 3 please


Posted 2020-10-25 22:40:01

Added! Tysm


Posted 2020-10-25 23:01:12

SB in GC on the russet and 5GC on the ebony please!


Posted 2020-10-25 23:13:56

150sc on Russet

Honey Bear

Posted 2020-10-25 23:33:22

Got both of you! Thank you!


Posted 2020-10-25 23:39:50

4GC on russet <3


Posted 2020-10-25 23:40:36

Can I AB Russet SC?

Honey Bear

Posted 2020-10-25 23:46:57

Done! She'll be sent to you as soon as she's weaned.


Posted 2020-10-25 23:57:12

Thank you so much! She’s gorgeous!! <:

Honey Bear

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