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Development Update #20

Development Update #20
Posted 2022-10-03 11:14:24 (edited)

It's time for another development update!

Priority Stats & Level Up Stats Change

Leveling up has been a sore point for many of you, with stats seemingly going in different random directions.  We have reworked level up stats so that points are distributed in a fixed amount.

Setting Priority Stats

Priority stats, by default, are the wolf's two highest stats.  You can now change this and manually set priority stats so that when your wolf levels up, it gains points in the stats that you select.  You can do this by visiting your wolves' Settings area and choose two stats to be priority.  Then, on your wolf's page, you will see asterisks next to the stat names to denote the priority stats chosen.  These can be changed at any time, and also set back to "None" if you wish.

Sample Level Up

If you set priority stats, each time you level up your wolf the game with automatically distribute the two highest amounts (35% and 35% of the total stat pool) to the priority stats you set.  You can set only one priority stat, but the game will automatically choose the next highest stat on level up.

Level Up Dialog

If you do not set any priority stats, each time you level up your wolf you will be met with a dialog box showing you the suggested stat distribution, and a chance to change the distribution if you are unhappy with what the game suggests.

Birth Information Tracking

Birth Information

From now on, all wolves that are bred in game will have the following information tracked for them at their birth: their stats (so this can accurately let you figure out how many stats a wolf has gained in its lifetime, compared to what it was born with), the moon and season they were born under, and the biome itself they were born into. Birth stats should have been tracking for a considerable amount of time, so the majority of bred wolves should already have information about what stats they were born with. Birth information will be unavailable for freshly rolled wolves, customs and newly befriended wolves as standard.

Dynasty Backgrounds

New Dynasty Background

We have a new background especially for dynasty wolves as their default background. We are currently working on a system that will enable you to keep items/backgrounds on your dynasty wolves, so watch this space.

If you can't see the new background on your dynasty wolves, click their images to regenerate them.

Search by Lineage

New Search Features

By popular request, you can now search by generation and COI % in both the wolf search and the trading center. Hopefully this will help you narrow down wolves you're after!

Shop Indicators

Shop Badges

All shops will now show on the item a small blue badge indicating how many of those items you already own.  This number represents ALL items on your account, including those that are not available to use (buried, equipped, in a trade, in a raffle, etc).

Pathfinder Dingbat Tweak

The Pathfinder Dingbat was proving ineffective in scouting missions that would reveal lower percentages.  It would previously add 50% of the scouted amount to the mission, but in some cases made a negligible difference in scouting.

The Pathfinder Dingbat now adds a flat 10% to a scouting mission when scouting previously discovered (but not fully revealed) territory.  During Rescouting, it continues to bring back one additional item.  When discovering a brand new territory, the Dingbat will serve no purpose, but it no longer gets removed from the scout and will be available for the next scouting mission.

There is also a small message at the end of the scouting mission to denote the Dingbat flying away if it has been used.

Jellyfish: Immortal Lead Wolves

The Jellyfish can now be applied to Lead Wolves ahead of their retirement time.  It will remain applied to the wolf and when the time comes for your lead to retire, it will be automatically immortalised.

Mass Salvage

You should have a new green button at the bottom of your Hoard - this allows you to Salvage up to 50 rotting items at once.

Wardrobe and Customiser: Hide/Show Markings

A new icon (eye) has been added to the Wardrobe and Customiser to easily hide markings so that you can compare how much of an impact they're making to the overall design.  Please note for the Customiser that if you leave a marking hidden, but still "equipped" it will be added, visible, to the final customisation.


* Just a tiny tweak regarding breeding males: breeding males that have been bred that rollover do not have to wait another rollover before they can be removed from their breeding male role.

* As another small tweak, the 'Rarity 6' label has been renamed during befriending to a more accurate title: 'Chased'.

* Wolves that are put up for trades or raffles (including trade offers) can no longer have their looks customised. This applies to all looks/marking applicators and the customisation tool.

New Craftable Decors!

These recipes have a chance to drop in place of toys in Explore!

In Blue Jay encounter and both Grouse encounters, respectively.

Blue Jay Feather Decor
Remnant: Blue Jay Feather x30

Grouse Feather Decor
Remnant: Grouse Feather x30

New NBW Markings!

We have added new markings that are NBW exclusive - much like Sallander was:

Manicou Markings:
- Black, Brown, Dark Brown, Henna

Inverted Manicou Markings:
- Beige, Cream, Gray, Honey, White

+ there is a possible Deira combo, from Beige and Honey match.

Opossum Markings:
- Black, Brown, Dark Brown, Henna

Inverted Opossum Markings:
- Beige, Cream, Gray, Honey, White

+ there is a possible Deira combo, from Beige and Honey match.

Red Sallander
Looks like we forgot to release Red Sallander marking when we announced it - it is now added to the game!

Posted 2022-10-03 11:15:48
first ayyyyyyyyy
Silver Dawn

Posted 2022-10-03 11:16:07

Posted 2022-10-03 11:16:34
yay news!!!!!!


Posted 2022-10-03 11:16:44
Nice!! Thank you!! 💚💚💚

The Pack Wolf

Posted 2022-10-03 11:17:04
YES :D :D: D


Posted 2022-10-03 11:17:19
Woohoo! News!! :D


Posted 2022-10-03 11:17:30 (edited)
opossums yay

Posted 2022-10-03 11:18:11

Torchi 🔥

Posted 2022-10-03 11:18:36
Omg I love the Opossum  marking :D

Jijing 🏮