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꧁ The Last Hope HBD IC (semi open- PM ME!) ꧂

Posted 2022-11-09 18:36:48 (edited)

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꧁ Ilia Farra || Kyrena ꧂

Soon enough, breakfast was almost finished.

"Once everyone is ready, we'll start classes for the day. Both Headmaster Arros and myself will see to the classes today. If you wish to bring personal writing supplies or personal books with you, there'll be a few minutes for you to run up to your rooms and gather those." Ilia called to the table, disrupting her discussion with Byx.

"As I was saying, we'll work on basics first. I'm sure most will know addition and subtraction but we'll go over that again. I don't think many will know how to write Tafod but at least they can all speak it. I think last we'll just focus on history, maybe set out time for them to explore certain areas and talk. We ought to take Kyrena and Neha out, go hunting. At least take Neha, Kyrena may follow along but I'll stay here and keep an eye on everyone. Need to talk to Calliope and Ida as well, sort out what to do next." Ilia continued with Byx, voice slightly lower to discuss the day semi-privately. After she was done speaking, the headmaster set her cutlery aside and moved the plate away a little, wondering whether she ought to bring plates back while anyone ran off, but Nikita came bumbling over. She'd apparently been waiting, gathering all the now empty plates and heading back to the kitchen. Truly, what would they do without her?


Soon enough, the empty classes were filled again.

Well. Somewhat filled.

Books set out, people checked upon, and soon enough the lesson was underway.

-> chance to talk and meet new people! when everyone is ready, we will move on <-

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꧁ Kyrena ꧂

As the wyvern suspected, Neha easily overtook her. A proud scream as she darted past and Kyrena sent a cheerful growl at her fading tail, spinning sideways in her wake, skimming around the mountainside.

With another push of her wings, Kyrena broke through the cloud cover as well as the mist, talons swinging as she readjusted to chase after Neha from above. The mountain ahead broke through the clouds and Kyrena shifted her weight, wings beating to send her shooting up the side. As the flames poured from her mouth, Kyrena peeled away from the side of the rock, the warmth washing over her scales before fading away into the air.

Neha's scent, electric but sweet ozone, mixed with the air around them and Kyrena knew the younger would come chasing her through the clouds soon enough. But with another few flaps of her wings, Kyrena hovered in the clouds, twisting into a dive as she chased the flame. The dip lead to a steady climb through the air, much less of a race. Quiet, steady.

Until Neha would eventually come racing after Kyrena.

═══ *.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.* ═══

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2022-11-12 22:19:06

The seemingly pleasant reply, albeit tense was a good start he figured. With another question on his tongue, he opened his mouth to speak again. That's when they heard one of the headmasters calling for all the students. It sounded like Headmaster Ilia. Sighing with the sudden pause when the conversation just started, Caisin quickly gulped the rest of the still hot tea, jumped off the stool he was on, and headed outside to greet her.

Breakfast was a blur in the excitement for the coming classes, but Caisin did remember it being absolutely delicious! Better than the usual they made at home. Caisin had never been in a school room, all of his lessons taught by his parents at home. Even then, lessons were few and far between unless they pertained to something important for running the home or every day living.
He was finally attending his first class. So many things to learn, and practice filled him with elation! And it was……. So…. Boring….

The subjects were interesting and he did want to learn, but most of his homeschooling was done by word of mouth while working in the fields with his dad, sometimes sitting in with his mom with lots of pictures to look at. He knew his alphabet too but only knew how to write basic and small words. Confined to sitting in a desk, in a room (a rather closed off and small feeling room now that he was thinking about it…) with too many letters all clumped together, making his head hurt; his mind started to wander. Looking at all the small details in the room, resisting the urge to draw pictures in the book set out before him, tapping his foot impatiently. Finally he looked over, he was seated by Evangeline again. Unable to finish the conversation they dropped in the kitchen area, and no opportunity to continue in the dining hall, he figured now would be a good time and might keep him occupied until the end of the lesson. Leaning over, he whispered to get her attention.
"Hey, weird question, but did you have a weird dream last night?"


Posted 2022-11-13 16:50:25
⎯⎯ ୨ Nyx Neri ୧ ⎯⎯

She walked beside Kyle, hands behind her back. She frowned softly as he talked.

"I mean- does it.. what does it feel like? If anything? Can you, I don't know, sense your wyvern from here already?"

Surprise flickered across her face. Nyx hadn't expected that question. She focused the pull and tilted her head. "I...mmm. A little bit, I suppose." Nyx paused. "A thread, tied around my heart. It pulses like a heartbeat." The falconer studied him. "Why?"

Was her guess true, then? Kyle would be the other rider? What had happened after she left? As they passed a table, she grabbed a glass of water and sat like she had the day before. The water rippled in the glass, and her eyes flickered down. She put her other hand around it, wondering where this sudden interest came from.


"Once everyone is ready, we'll start classes for the day. Both Headmaster Arros and myself will see to the classes today. If you wish to bring personal writing supplies or personal books with you, there'll be a few minutes for you to run up to your rooms and gather those."

Nyx's head snapped up. Classes. This was a school, after all, she supposed...

-ˋˏ ꒰🌸꒱ —- sakura

Posted 2022-11-13 19:18:42
➷ Kyle

"..Just curious," Kyle said evasively, glancing away. He'd sat down near Nyx so they could carry their conversation, and shortly, food had been served. He stared down at his plate distractedly, a soft frown creasing his face. Of course, he figured his new bond with one of the unhatched wyverns- and therefore change of role into an official student of the academy- would be announced soon enough anyway. There would be no trouble in telling someone a bit earlier. It was just..

His gaze drifted, sliding over to the fireplace nearby, at the flickering flames that had been set to chase away the spring chill. He wondered if Kyrena had lit them, with her brilliant fire- signature of, well, a fire wyvern. Soon enough his entire train of thought had been derailed, lured away by the curiosity of different dragon types. He'd forgotten to even wonder about it, what kind of wyvern would he be bonded to? What other kinds even were there? If there was fire, there was likely at least water. He couldn't help an involuntary shiver, despite the warmth of the dining hall. He would be ecstatic regardless of whatever popped out of that egg, this he knew, but.. ..he just wasn't a big fan of swimming.

The tap of his fork hitting his plate snapped him back to the present, his hand having gone slack in his reverie. Kyle's eyes snapped back up towards Nyx, feeling a twist of embarrassment as he realized the silence he'd let fall.

He shrugged then, swamping his thoughts with a crooked smile and a wayward gesture of his hand. "Well," He started again, tone suddenly mischievous, "I guess you'll find out soon enough." With that he stabbed his fork into the food on his plate, shoveling it into his mouth as he finally dug into breakfast.

----------------- [we love a good teleport]---------------

Books. Kyle stared down at the open pages, head already threatening to ache with the sharp furrow in his brow.

He hadn't really had any supplies of his own to bring, so he held a borrowed pencil in one hand, hovering uncertainly over a blank piece of scrap paper off to the side. Breathing out a tense breath, he rubbed a finger over the crease in his forehead and peeked up, eyes darting over the other students in the room.

From the corner of his eye he spotted Caisin leaning over to Evangeline, mouth forming words that were too quiet for Kyle to hear. He wondered what they were talking about. He flipped around the pencil and tapped the blunt end against the table, momentarily distracted by the satisfying tip tap that it made. Flipping the tool back around, he touched the tip to the paper, unable to resist the urge to doodle on the empty expanse. He cast his mind back, recalling Neha's sleek head as she snatched his offered treat from his hand.

A few minutes later Kyle drew the pencil back and squinted at the scratches of gray.

..Eh, guess he wasn't much of an artist.

᠂ Sephan᠂

Posted 2022-11-14 15:43:33

It'd been a while since they had been to a real 'school'. Not since before their family had been kicked out of the old village.
All I remember is uncomfortable seats and strict teachers... Though it seems much nicer here. The classroom had an inviting aura, small mosses adding some life and interest. While it was a pleasant space it was nothing like the elders' room back home, no muffled crackles of a fireplace or soft wooly blankets to sit on.
I should write to them, tell them I made it here alright. they thought. Are we aloud to send letters to the outside? Would it be deemed to risky? their gut twisted slightly at the notion of being cut off.

They exhaled slightly, withdrawing their translation guide. It seemed like they might not be the only one who couldn't read this writing, which made them feel a tad less alone.

Close by another student? - the one who'd been with the headmasters before everyone else- was doodling something.
He's the one I saw earlier, I wonder if I should say hello- would he be upset I disturbed him? Would he be nice like the spy? Aybis fretted a bit, debating on whether or not to disturb him. He didn't look mean...

"What are you drawing?" They asked, clearing their throat slightly, peering respectfully at the pencil marks. It was hard to tell from their perspective, everything was sideways.
🍁Nov-rolling events only

Posted 2022-11-16 16:29:10
➷ Kyle

Kyle glanced up at the quiet voice, eyes falling on the student he'd seen earlier that morning outside the dorms. "It's a dragon!" He chirped, picking up the piece of paper and facing it towards the other with a flourish. Leaning forward, he used the tip of the pencil to indicate a section of his drawing, "See? That's it's head."

He tilted his head so he could look at it again, frowning. "..Sort of."

With a snort, Kyle set the paper back on the table, turning back to the other student with a new gleam of curiosity in his eye. That was right, the last of the students he had yet to meet. Their accent was one that he couldn't place- not that Kyle had a particularly vast knowledge of different accents, growing up in his own small village. With tousled hair similar to his own, though a much darker color, they reminded him somewhat of the other kids he used to hang out with. Hopefully not too much like them, though.

It was a curious bunch that had ended up here at the academy, that's for sure. It was almost strange to think of how these were the people he'd be spending such a significant amount of time with in the coming days. So far they'd all seemed nice enough- cautious, yes, but he supposed that was understandable. He figured it was best to try and make a good impression regardless. Perhaps he could even make a few friends.

"Name's Kyle," He offered, enthusiastically sticking out his hand to shake, "You?"

᠂ Sephan᠂

Posted 2022-11-16 17:31:59

They looked at the outstretched hand for a split second before realizing that they were supposed to shake it with their own, like they'd seen the adults back home do on occasion.
Slightly hesitantly they shook .. Kyle's hand, just lightly.

"I'm Aybis," they said. "It must be amazing working with the wyverns... You were here before everyone else was, right?"

I wonder when we'll see the baby wyverns.. they thought. I wonder if I will bond with one, what kind it'd be. they smiled as nicely and sincerely as possible at Kyle, with their characteristically lopsided grin. Best to stay in the present now.
🍁Nov-rolling events only

Posted 2022-11-17 01:36:30 (edited)
➷ Kyle

Aybis. Kyle hummed, nodding, "I was- only for a couple weeks, though." A sheepish sort of smile crossed his face, and he glanced away, beginning to fiddle with the corners of the book laid out before him. "Apparently not long enough to really work with the dragons. I mostly took care of the horses," He sighed, then straightened up with a shrug, "Which is fine. Patience, or whatever, right? Right."

Peering back down at the book, he lifted a hand to trace over the small image in the corner of the page. It was an elaborately drawn wyvern (far better than his own), twisting into an elegant pose made of swirling shapes and curves. A burst of what he assumed was fire flared forth from its mouth, as if seconds from setting the letters just next to it aflame. He swiped a finger over the illustration, imagining the fire travelling over the many words, flourishing into a brilliant blaze until the whole book was alight. He wondered how warm the flames would feel.

Kyle blinked away the thought and looked up.

He'd been wondering about the various dragon types just earlier that day, maybe there was a book telling more about them? On his other side sat Nyx, peering quietly into the pages of her own one. He tried to subtly lean over to look at it, but with the cover flat on the table, he couldn't make out much. It seemed rather similar to his own anyway. Incredibly boring, that is.

Making a face, he turned his attention to small stack of books sat in the middle of their table instead, gaze lingering on the various titles. He stretched forward, carefully tugging out one of the lower books to get a closer look at the cover. It was mostly blank, save for the title imprinted in tidy gold lettering. Well.. It seemed far from what he was hoping for, but still, innate curiosity led him to flip open the first couple pages.

Unfortunately, his interest fizzled out rather quickly. The letters were oh so small, and only a few sentences in, there were words he hardly even knew existed, arranged in wording so particular he found himself needing to re-read the entire paragraph. A tense feeling arose in his chest, pushed out into another sigh.

He propped up his head on a hand, gazing despondently at the page. "I hope we get some more.. hands-on lessons soon," He said gloomily, gaze flitting between Aybis and Nyx.

᠂ Sephan᠂

Posted 2022-11-17 16:02:53

It didnt take long for Headmaster Ilia to catch on to Caisin's fidgeting. No sooner had he leaned over to ask Evangeline a question, had she promptly told him to focus on the lesson. Giving a silent huff at having been interrupted, he begrudgingly slid back into an upright position in his seat, glancing on his notes again. However, as to be expected, as soon as her back was turned, he found his gaze wandering the room as he tapped his foot in random rhythms. Hearing whispering behind him, he shot a glance over his shoulder. Kyle and another student, one he hadn't met yet. They were the one with the little animal statue he saw yesterday morning. Giving a quick mischievous glance back toward Headmaster Ilia, her back still turned away, he weighed his chances before quietly turning around to focus on the little group.
Quickly turning to Kyle, a question suddenly popping into his head, he leaned forward and whispered.
"So your a student now? What happened? I thought dragon eggs died if their bonded did. But anyways that must feel crazy for you. Well about as crazy for the rest of us." He quietly laughed before continuing.
"Did you know? Like did you feel anything when it happened? Can you feel anything now?" He asked, eyes wide. It took him a few seconds to realize he was rambling, not even allowing responses to his questions, and promptly shut himself up, biting his tongue. ….This was short lived, as he soon turned his attention to the unfamiliar student to introduce himself- Not even allowing Kyle to answer his short interrogation. "Oh I'm Caisin, I think I saw you yesterday but never got a chance to meet you."


Posted 2022-11-18 15:49:19

They jumped a tiny bit at the newcomer, they weren't used to such enthusiasm, especially not directed at them.

"O-oh! I'm Aybis, to be fair I've been avoiding socializing a bit," they smiled awkwardly.
"I've been exploring around campus, I can't wait to see the rest of the valley." They wistfully remembered exploring back home, each time going a bit farther out than the last.

They exhaled lightly, fiddling with their rings. The were so worn now, the engravings nearly illegible.

They turned to face the others, realizing that there was yet another student not too far from them. Sliding the rings back into place, they gathered themself up. It'd be easier to work with these people if they atleast had a bit of kinship between them...
"What wyverns do you guys think there'll be? Or- which type would you want?"
🍁Nov-rolling events only

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