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Base Tiers Question

Base Tiers Question
Posted 2022-09-18 06:57:34

This is a bit of a silly question, but what are the base tiers? I keep seeing how to breed for T3 etc, and I was wondering what the significance was.

I assume it has something to do with this, when I go look at my wolf, under base it says: "Warm Dark I"
I assume there's a II and III base, but idk what they are or why they're special? Or where to start looking for them?


Posted 2022-09-18 10:21:15
The base tiers are the ranking system to show the rarity of the base. Markings have them too.

TI is common
TII is uncommon
TIII is rare
T* are event bases.

So, for your base Warm Dark I, this means it's a TI base.

You can find wolves of other tiers in the trading center or in certain chat forums. You can also try breeding for your own!


Posted 2022-09-18 11:27:29
Thank you for explaining!

For breeding of our own, is there a random chance to find a T2 or T3 in NBW's?

Posted 2022-09-18 11:37:30
You have the chance to find TII n an NBW if they have one or more star beside them when you encounter them

Wolves with a purple star mean they were chased from another pack, they used to belong to a player. It's pretty random what you might get, but sometimes you get lucky. Keep in mind you can only find them if your lead is level 15 or higher.


Posted 2022-09-18 12:48:23
Thank you, this is very helpful! This is exciting.
My lead is almost 15, I'll go work on that!

Thank you for explaining this to me.

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