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Posted 2022-09-15 17:21:05
need a little food

Posted 2022-09-17 00:23:10
I'm out of food, and my wolves are starving ;w;

I may need a lot of uses! So as much as you can would be appreciated.

Posted 2022-09-17 01:07:01
May I plz have some food? A few of my wolves are 60% and below, but I have no idea how to figure how many uses will fully feed them. I don't care what types you send. Anything is appreciated. 😊

Posted 2022-09-17 02:51:34
anything would help, my wolves never have enough food or energy to hunt

Posted 2022-09-17 11:19:36
hi, i have too many pups and adols i really need food for them. every day is a fight to feed them...

can i have some food?


Posted 2022-09-24 21:28:47
Hello! I'm out of food and not really able to bring enough in to feed all of my wolves per day, if you have some food to spare still could I get some? Anything helps, I'm just trying to get everyone to 100% as soon as I can.

Posted 2022-09-25 10:39:26
11 of my wolves are starving and I don't think I have enough food to feed them can y'all lend a paw?

Posted 2022-09-26 15:40:41
i have 13-14 wolves who are currently under 50% may i ask for enough to get them up to 60% or 70%? Please and thank you. And you doing this for people is really nice.

Posted 2022-09-29 10:58:30
i could use some food 12 of my wolves are hungry and im running out of foods i probably dont have enough and if i do it wont last long

Posted 2022-09-29 10:59:15
damn bastards are allways hungry

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