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bonnies commission shop muahaha (OPEN FOR COMMISSION!)

bonnies commission shop muahaha (OPEN FOR COMMISSION!)
Posted 2022-08-24 16:29:21 (edited)

Hello, welcome to my commission page!! I am Bonnie, I'm a self taught artist with a serious love for expanding my talent!

For my second round of commissions I have updated rules as well as prices to give myself a more fair chance with my worth!

For my pricing I'm using about a 375 to 1 scale, for more fair wages. I am currently only taking ingame currency, this will update when able.

prices are based on format as well as quality! I will have a price for individual additions as I feel fair. i am negotiable with items/wolves BUT i expect the worth is around the price of your commission.

base prices;
coloring- 3750/ 10
shading- 3750/ 10
background(complex)- 7500/ 20

format prices;
headshot/ych/bust- 7500/ 20
half body- 16,875/ 45
full body- 22,500/60
reference page- 28,125/ 75

extra character- half the price of whatever format+base price option you choose!

i do not have any set price for additional items/props inside your piece.

Now for my rules! I am negotiable to a point and would expect that buyers are too, I will treat you with respect if you treat me with respect!
1. I expect payment before I begin a piece, I will not begin working on your piece until I am paid as this prevents scams!
2.I'm open to several different characters/species! I do not have an immediate preference for what I draw. however if your character is deemed offensive or morally wrong to me i will not draw them for you, i have standards as to who and what i draw.
3.That said, I do allow NSFW commissions. I am 18 and am both capable and willing to draw it if commissioned. I request that if commissioned we stay adult about it! I'm silly and up for joking around but I still want to remain professional in my work.
4.If needed , I can refund a piece. If you are unhappy with my work prior to finishing, do not have the patience, or need the money back, we can work it out. I will not refund a finished piece if we have already discussed that you enjoy the sketch and want me to continue working on it. anytime before you confirm the sketch is refundable.
5.slots go in order unless I work ahead while awaiting confirmation! I am able to fix and contort the art how you like as long as its before the final phases. At my final phase of the art I am willing to do minor adjustments, not entire reworks. be an advocate for your character!
6.Commission inquiries are done only in Wolvden dms. I will not give out any personal contact information as I can have more security in my messaging here. This is extremely important to me.
7.And the very obvious, DO NOT CLAIM MY ART AS YOUR OWN! I will not remove my watermark and ask that if you commission me I am sourced as Bonnie #83338 on Wolvden. If posting art to ToyHouse or any other database that is how i would like to be addressed.
Now I can show some examples below! do NOT take any of these characters as they belong to my prior commissioners and or me/my boyfriend!

Samira, @Pigeon#30850!

My boyfriend, Joey, and me!

Madeleine Allard, @Kafkaesque#42880!

Axel (left) and Lance (right), @8BitSatyr#47570!

(spoiled for some mild nudity! these are all my reference examples as well)
Elio, my amazing tapir boy!

Harley, my silly old man.

Aline, my crazy quirky lady.

Amari, @Atmospheric (she/her)#8870!

Some cat my boyfriend made on roblox LOLL

Papa Jimbo, my boyfriends horse on a roblox game

W.I.P. of my wolf Mipha!

This is the base without edits!

Jairo, @InTheEnd#47026!

Boberton, @Joey#83523! 💙

1. pigeon#30850 [paid]
-7 full body, colored
-2 full body, two characters, colored
-1 full body, 2 characters, colored
2. kafkaesque #42880 [paid]
-1 headshot, colored
3. Karma #75898 [paid]
-1 colored, shaded, headshot
4. Juju_plays #48057 [paid]
-1 colored headshot
5. open
on hold;
you can reserve a slot until you have money to claim one or if my slots are full!
bonnie (he/him)

Posted 2022-08-24 17:14:49
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a full body of this character?


Posted 2022-08-24 18:05:48
Ooh, your art is lovely! Would a full-body drawing of this lady be something you're comfortable doing? (Her reference image is here for further clarification.) I plan to have it colored, lined, and shaded too — if that helps with determining price- :]

I can provide further notes on the character once she's accepted too!


Posted 2022-08-24 19:25:29
Lovely art!

8BitSatyr | ON HIATUS

Posted 2022-08-24 19:32:10
@8BitSatyr#47570 thank you so much! are you interested in commissioning at all?
bonnie (he/him)

Posted 2022-08-24 19:34:33
I'm not able to comission at the moment, no, but eventually!

8BitSatyr | ON HIATUS

Posted 2022-08-24 19:37:00
dude you. really need to raise your prices like a lot. like i'd say you could price these at twenty times this and they'd still probably sell, they're incredible

Rippleskip Kisses a Girl

Posted 2022-08-24 19:38:29
@Rippleskip oh!! thank you so so much!! im totally not great at pricing so i might bump the prices after this first round of commissions!! i totally appreciate the compliments so much 💙
bonnie (he/him)

Posted 2022-08-24 19:39:22
if you do commissions elsewhere, take a look at the currency to GC rate in grove and base your prices off that! don't undersell yourself!

Rippleskip Kisses a Girl

Posted 2022-08-24 19:41:28
I agree with Rippleskip!! 4GC is worth $1


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