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Event: Cataclysms

Posted 2022-09-12 03:43:56
I think it's nice to have more affordable apps. It gives less experienced players more chances to get cool items. No one's forcing you to buy them, and there will be expensive apps in the future as usual. A thriving market should have low, medium and high priced items, something for everyone.

Posted 2022-09-12 03:52:29 (edited)
I don't assume this as bad decision in pricing, those are only numbers, either a few higher or a bunch of lower seems like the same thing. I'm just shockingly surprised. I don't like hoarding too many items so I need to change what I initially planned and adjust my decisions appropriately. This currently leaves me in a dilemma though.


Posted 2022-09-12 03:59:41
I like that the prices of the base/marking apps are relatively low in this event shop compared to other event shops, it gives casual players a chance to buy most of the  apps and decors, instead of having to pick only a few items and miss out on the rest. Events should be fun and rewarding, and should not make people feel stressed out about not gaining enough currency to buy the things they want.
I hope they don't increase the prices in the future. In fact going forward I think future event shops should have similar pricing to this one. The event decor and apps look beautiful, I think as many players as possible should be given a fair chance to enjoy them. :)

Posted 2022-09-12 04:03:01
Yes, everyone should have a chance at getting markings/ bases what I don't understand though is why are the markings more expensive than the base itself?
WolfFox 🐺 🦊

Posted 2022-09-12 04:03:37 (edited)
Accidentally reposted
WolfFox 🐺 🦊

Posted 2022-09-12 04:59:47 (edited)
The other side of the coin is that it's great to have some features more expensive so players can feel more rewarded for their effort put to obtain certain asset. Winning everything can make games boring and less attractive.


Posted 2022-09-12 08:53:24
I was also surprised at the cheap price of the bases/apps, but I like it. If they were expensive, I'd feel constrained to save them for future studs over the course of the next year. As-is, I'll obviously save some for studs, but I'll also have extras to spruce up random hunters which is nice.

Wolffox wrote: "Yes, everyone should have a chance at getting markings/ bases what I don't understand though is why are the markings more expensive than the base itself?"

Personally, I value marks more than bases for breeding. Marks have a much higher pass rate. Putting event marks on my wolf will (probably/hopefully) give cute pups for generations to come, unlike an event base which probably won't pass to pups.


Posted 2022-09-12 12:50:31
what would happen if a wolf with Markings, apps, and base from one faction (i.e. Kinfolk), bred with a wolf with Markings, apps and base from another faction (i.e. Independent)??
🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾

Posted 2022-09-12 13:08:08
A cataclysm.


Posted 2022-09-12 13:15:01

(this is why Merged is my favorite. we already had green/purple marking apps from other events, but now we have red for beautiful disaster confetti wolves)
