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Herb rarities

Herb rarities
Posted 2020-10-25 08:04:57

Hi there,
I'm aware that some herbs are rarer overall because they only drop from one specific biome (outside special encounters)
But are certain herbs renerally more rare?

Example: Arnica and Dandelion can be found in any biome - but is arnica less likely to drop than a dandelion? Or less likly to drop in a certain biome while still being able to be found there?


Posted 2020-10-25 09:37:57

I don't think there is any data on that yet.

If we assume any herb drops at the same rate, then you could technically say Tundra has higher chances of dropping Arnica (1/5) than Mountains (1/17) but I don't know if the chances in a biome for a specific herb is different or not.

Sienna Snow

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