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Wolf/Dog roleplay, clan setting

Wolf/Dog roleplay, clan setting
Posted 2022-08-15 13:53:11 (edited)
hey! I'm looking for someone who would be open to doing this

basically it's a wolf/dog version of warrior cats, with leaders/alphas, Herbalists, Camp Guards (Like warriors, but they stay in camp), Warriors, Pupsitters, Apprentices and pups

They'll be 4 clans, Riverclan (self explanatory, lives near Starrock river) Marshclan (swampy territory) Forestclan (lives in a oak forest) and Mountainclan (lives in the mountains, obviously) BUT we can make new ones up!

we could do it where they need warrior names like Brightfeather, Littlerock etc, or tribe names like Water running over rocks, The sun watcher, etc

we can make up rules together, like a clan code, we can do some word building as well

We can have a plot, or just go with the flow, I enjoy doing things like development roleplay, and drama, and can do action but it's not my strong suit

I typically roleplay 10+ lines but ill also just match whoever in roleplaying within length, and would like someone similar to me

if anyone's interested let me know! :D

Juniper ⚢

Posted 2022-08-23 20:56:26
This sounds fun. I've been hoping for some world-building RP, especially with some of my wolves. It's been a few years since I did any rp, and could really use the inspiration. I generally did literate to advanced lit, though during things like rapid conversation or high action I tend to keep it shorter to avoid godmoding.

Are you just looking for a 1x1 or something larger?

Posted 2022-08-23 21:10:14
1x1! And what you just said is what I like (convo replies are hard to make super long) we can pm or talk here!

Juniper ⚢

Posted 2022-08-23 21:12:56
I don't mind chatting here for a bit- easier to reference plans that way.

Posted 2022-08-23 21:17:09
Alright, do you have any specifics in mind? like specific wolves and any plot you'd like? :) I'd like to use a few of my wolvden wolves for this, just depends on who you wanna use and if we're going to be doing a romantic plot :)

Juniper ⚢

Posted 2022-08-23 21:24:59 (edited)
For plot, I was thinking about a small group of wolves who either all leave the same large pack due to some sort of disaster/disease/famine/etc, or young wolves who struck out and stumble across each other and have to stick together for a while for survival? I'm not dead set on it, just a thought! I have no issue with romance and happily play any gender.

As for wolves, I have a few I'd love to play with: Springmeltand Wintersoot (as twins), Avira (needs a new name, just haven't picked on yet), and/or Margon.

Posted 2022-08-23 21:25:58
I'm happy with that plot! but the links dont work :(

Juniper ⚢

Posted 2022-08-23 21:28:24
Ya, just realized I did them backwards. ><
Fixed them.

Posted 2022-08-23 21:38:35
very pretty wolves! I'd love to do one with the twins! depending on how you want the romance to work (will one of mine be with a twin? or add another of yours and they get together? )

I'd like to use one or more of these
Coinín Na Collie (She/Her)
June (He/They)
Lorelai (They/Them)

all aged up to adult obviously!

Juniper ⚢

Posted 2022-08-23 21:44:58
Aw, I love June and Lorelai.
I'll happily run the twins, then. Not sure on the romance direction- maybe something we play out and see how it develops?

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