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1x1 Rp w/ Will! (CANCELLED)

Posted 2022-08-15 20:11:41
(Yeah it can be! This is probably gonna be my last or one of my last replies for today)

Spiderpaw followed Brightpaw to windclan territory.
Wait, Windclan? This was the first time that she's ever stepped foot on another clan's territory. She hesitated a little to continue walking on Windclan's territory. She was worried that one of the warriors that stayed would catch them trespassing. But surely Rowanpaw could make up an excuse for them if they did right? That was one of Rowanpaw's greatest talents. Spiderpaw had always admired him for how quick he improvised.
She stared down at the stream in the gorge. They were so high up compared to the gorge, and the water was flowing really fast. She avoided going close to the ledges, fearing that she would fall. Then she looked up to the storm clouds approaching. This wasn't as cool as she thought it was anymore. "Rowanpaw is right, Brightpaw! We should leave and go back to the gathering before the storm comes." She said worriedly. "We really shouldn't be here." She added, taking a few nervous glances around the territory.

Posted 2022-08-16 05:27:50
I tooootally passed out lol- Roomie is sick rn, so I might be off and on to help her. ))

BrightPaw was growing annoyed with how hesitant the other two were being, but she didn't think anything of it. She continued towards the edge, and then leapt onto one of the many smooth rocks and boulders that were scattered along the edges of the chasm.
"Don't be a baby, SpiderPaw! I come here all the timeee~" She grinned, just having fun while jumping. RowanPaw gave her a concerned look, but she knew he wouldn't leave them there alone. Just as she was making her way down to the ledge on the wall, she felt something heavy clinging to her fur. . Rain! As a RiverClan cat, she adored the rain, but she could tell that RowanPaw was certainly not amused.
"BrightPaw, get away from there! I'm being serious!" RowanPaw snapped, seeming hesitant to join her down on the ledge. "I'm being serious, too, you mousebrain! Are you really scared of a little wate-" She was cut off by a sudden flash of lightning, which was quickly followed by some of the loudest thunder she'd ever heard. She didn't know how a storm could have come on so fast; It had never happened before in her lifetime. Besides, weren't the skies meant to be calm on the nights of gatherings? As a symbol of peace and unity from StarClan?

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-16 20:21:06
(that's okay haha, hope your roommate is ok)

"I'm not being a baby Brightpaw!" Spiderpaw retorted. She watched Brightpaw jump on the rocks with a concerned expression on her face. She knew that Brightpaw was a stubborn cat, but why was she still playing without any worries at all?  The stream below was flowing rapidly, yet she stayed near the edge. Spiderpaw shook her head in disbelief. It didn't make any sense to her.
Then there came the rain, something that Spiderpaw had hated ever since she was a kit. She didn't understand how Brightpaw loved the rain so much, but most Riverclan cats seemed to be like that. The sudden sound of thunder made her jump. She wasn't expecting a storm to start so fast, and it was a thunderstorm too. It looked like it was going to be a fierce one. The ones she experienced were never like this.
"You need to come back! This isn't safe, Brightpaw." She called to her friend. She didn't care if this apparently made her a 'baby'. Brightpaw really needed to stop leaping around near the edge.

Posted 2022-08-16 20:47:06 (edited)
She's sleepin' lol- Gonna crash after this. Ttyl! ))

"Oh you totally areee!" BrightPaw smirked, seeming completely unaffected by the rain. Though, she had to admit that it was making it a bit more difficult to grip the rocks and ledges.
"BrightPaw! Get back here NOW." RowanPaw finally snapped, leaving no room for argument. BrightPaw was reckless, not stupid. Especially not stupid enough to argue with RowanPaw when he's angry. She rolled her eyes dramatically and began bounding from rock to rock again back towards the other two.
She was nearly back to solid ground when she undershot a jump, and her front paw slipped. She crashed directly into the rock instead of on top of it, and it hurt like hell. "BrightPaw!" RowanPaw panicked, rushing up to the edge of the cliff. Despite the fact that he couldn't jump very well, he leapt onto the boulder with ease, leaning down and grabbing her by the scruff to pull her back up.

Damn- It's only been two pages, and we're already murdering a character XD ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-17 21:03:01
(sorry this reply is so short! my motivation is dying rn)

Spiderpaw rushed over towards the ledge. She looked over at Rowanpaw and Brightpaw. "Are you guys okay?" She called to them; though her voice was somewhat drowned out by the rain and thunder. Her eyes were wide and filled with worry. She didn't know what to do. She had never been in a situation like this, and Snowrush certainly never taught her about what to do if she was!

(Yeah lol, poor rowanpaw didn't even make it to 5 pages)

Posted 2022-08-18 19:30:28 (edited)
(( You're good lol! I totally get feeling burnt out =v= ))

As RowanPaw tried to pull her back up, the rain started coming down harder. He hoisted her up onto the stone, but the thunder wouldn't stop crashing. The rain was relentless as the current of the gorge below began to increase in speed.
"Come on!" He hissed, nudging her forward as the rocks grew slipperier and slipperier. BrightPaw leapt forward from rock to rock, but even she struggled. She made it back to solid ground, turning back to see that RowanPaw was still struggling. "RowanPaw, you have to jump!" She told him, sounding panicked. With how smooth these rocks were, there was a rapidly increasing chance that he might fall, and it was terrifying to her.
Without hesitation, he leapt forward, barely making it to the next stone. RowanPaw had always been the calm, collected one, and yet, he looked scared beyond belief. No doubt he knew the situation he was in, but there wasn't much he could do. The look in his eyes suddenly changed, and he seemed to realise something. Not like BrightPaw or SpiderPaw would ever get to find out, because the next jump he took missed.
"NO!" She wailed, watching in horror as he scrambled to regain his footing. It was no use, though. As he lost his grip for the last time, she could see the look of fear on his face. He knew what would happen next, and there was no stopping it now. She watched in horror as he seemingly let go, causing him to plummet hundreds of feet to the bottom of the gorge, disappearing with the current.

Lowkey struggling today, so might be the last response for tonight ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-18 20:51:51
Spiderpaw silently prayed to Starclan for Rowanpaw to make it back too. But it didn't work. She was struck with horror as she watched him fall into the water. She felt useless; she couldn't do anything to save him. "Rowanpaw.." She muttered, her heart beginning to ache. This couldn't be happening. Maybe this was all just a dream! A nightmare, she hoped. Maybe this never happened, and she'd wake up from it. As much as she wanted that to be true, this was all too real to be one. How did such a happy night turn out like this? Was Starclan mad at them?
She just stared at Brightpaw for a while. She was trembling with anger. "This is all your fault, Brightpaw." She finally snapped. It was unlike her to snap. This was the first time she ever actually got mad at anyone. She didn't even know if she wanted to call Brightpaw her friend anymore. She started raising her voice, "If you had just listened to us and came back, this would have NEVER happened!" she yelled at her. Clearly, she wasn't thinking right.

(that's alright! no worries)

Posted 2022-08-19 09:51:14
*Happy Cassiopeia noises* .^.

BrightPaw was too shocked to say anything at first, but she quickly rebounded and looked over the edge. She couldn't see him, but she was silently praying to StarClan that he might've survived. Even if they couldn't get down there, she needed to know he was okay. Alas, she still hadn't seen him after several moments.
RowanPaw is dead, and it's all your fault.
"I-I didn't. . How is this my fault?! You know he can't jump, and you let him go anyway!" She snapped back, struggling to process everything. "He came after me! I could have made it back fine on my own! I didn't force him to go out there! He made that choice on his own!" She hissed, staring down at her paws in a daze. It seemed as if she was trying to convince herself more so than SpiderPaw.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-22 21:14:59
(AA sorry for taking so long, will try to reply faster!what kind of cupcake was it)

"He went after you because you slipped on the rock! Don't lie to yourself Brightpaw, you wouldn't have made it back without any help." Spiderpaw growled. "We told you to come back multiple times, yet you never listen! You've always been so ignorant Brightpaw. Rowanpaw's death could've been avoided if you listened the first time." She glanced away from Brightpaw as if it pained her to say these things to her own best friend. Probably not best friend anymore.
Why did she ever say yes to Brightpaw's idea? She was starting to regret it so much. Maybe their night wouldn't have gone as wrong as it did just now. They would have found out whatever Windclan's big news was, and Shadowclan wouldn't be losing a cat from their clan!

Posted 2022-08-23 04:20:38
You're good lol- My semester starts today though, so Imma be pretty busy on campus. ))

It was getting to be too much for BrightPaw to handle, so she just turned and ran. She'd just killed one of her best friends, and now the other hated her. She sprinted through the woods back towards RiverClan camp, having no intention of going back to the gathering after this. She was completely spiraling, and many of her clan members noticed this when she burst through the reeds into the clearing.
"BrightPaw? What's wrong? What happened?" LightStep asked, sounding concerned.
"He's dead- H-He's dead, and it's my fault!" She uttered, closing her eyes tightly and flexing her claws into the ground.
As shocked whispers and worried looks began to grow from around her, she couldn't even hear them. The only thing she was able to hear was her own thoughts telling her she was a murderer.
Your fault.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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