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Community Update #52

Posted 2022-07-29 20:39:01
Thanks devs for the bugfix spree! Really appreciate all the art fixes (especially the eye highlights on relaxed, they look so good).

Kinda bummed about the carcass changes though - I like to sell food in bundles that are even multiples of 10, and having food with odd-numbered uses is inconvenient.


Posted 2022-07-29 20:45:22
Yay News

Posted 2022-07-29 20:48:46
Thank you guys SO much for the battling fix!! That was really making me salty

Posted 2022-07-29 22:03:36

Rippleskip Kisses a Girl

Posted 2022-07-30 00:08:01
yayy news! thank you for the updates

bambiroe [hiatus]

Posted 2022-07-30 01:39:09
Devs, I'm worried about you, you seem to have been overworked last week.


Posted 2022-07-30 08:44:37
I've never commented on the news before, nor do I like to spread negativity, though I'm incredibly disappointed with the lack of development updates. I've played games developed by this team all the way back to exhibited-sim (for those who don't know, that was a game involving dinosaurs. It was a wonderful game with an amazing and welcoming community). I played Lioden for some time before wolvden came out and was so excited for this game. I've been here since day one of early access and was so hopeful for what this game could become. I've logged in everyday since the beginning, minus a few off days, and the best way I can describe how I feel about wolvden at the current moment is just.. disappointed.

I apologize for the negativity, I just felt like I needed to get that off my chest.


Posted 2022-07-30 08:56:39 (edited)
Unpopular opinion here since I chose the least voted option in the poll.

I think we need variety of battle encounters that give speed/smarts for level 20 wolves. Currently, it's easy to get strength/agility in great amounts exploring some of the harder biomes (Walruses, Anacondas, Morelets Crocodiles, Water Moccasins, Death Rattlers, Bears). For speed, we're limited to prey enemies and some felines, where we're unable to gain stat for bigger part of the level range that is lower than 15 - speed-based felines are level 9-17 and the best prey is Moose Bull with level range 7-16. In terms of smarts, we have variety of foxes and some group enemies that are not strength-based but that's it. And also, due to the bug we're unable to gain smarts from individual wolves which give any other stat, appear in every biome and according to my user logs, comparing all enemy battles to wolf battles, they are in ~30% of battles I take to gain stats - any except for smarts. Anywolf trying to focus on smarts has the roughest route to take.

Other options - environment and animal encounters - are just more flavor text that don't have any impact on the game.


Posted 2022-07-30 09:02:46
ew twitter

Sergeant Kane

Posted 2022-07-30 09:07:12

Definitely Gonna Check Out The Art Twitter! Even Though I Don't Have An Account Haha
