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Gryphon Clutches [Open]

Posted 2022-07-09 23:34:42
((thank you <3 also how old to gryphons live to? is it just determined by their mixed animal parts or is there a certain ageing process like 5 years for their first clutch, 10 for second, so on/whats the oldest they could live up to?))

Saya sat perched on a small tree, watching over the creek and whistled the day away. She was very pleased with her finds this morning. A small berry bush, fairly close to one of her usual spots and a spot along the river that had formed a small puddle, perfect for her.

A break in song, waiting to see if there were any other birds or even gryphons to reply. Nothing. Drawing in a breath Saya continued her melody, quite content with everything at the moment.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-10 11:27:11
((Oh man djdjjfdj how about this:
Maturity at 1-2 years.
They usually lay eggs but can give live birth. Clutches typically of 1-3. Clutches born typically every 1-2 years. Babies are more frequent with high prey abundance. I'm thinking they have the sort of mating period of a top predator, and therefore a lack of numbers severely impacts how many there are total. The sort of cold dread you feel when you hear that an endangered animal just gave birth, but you're aware there are only like 30 females left. HOWEVER I don't want this to promote a big mate-heavy plot line, and would rather your characters exist as-is. Let's say they live to 15? They start needing support of a flock around 12.))

Morel watched the bear shove it's nose into a bush, and then settle. It's furry bum hit the ground softly and sent ripples up its body. Oh for goodness sake. Morel lowered her head. She might be able to run if it was distracted, but she also might have to settle on staying here for a bit.

"Hoo hoo… hoo…" She mimicked the great grey owl, hoping to get a reaction. Her voice was focused on making it sound as natural and unthreatening as possible. Just a regular owl, calling out as it settled down for the day. The bear faced away from her, happily eating away. It didn't so much as flick an ear. Good.

Her large, grey speckled wings rose silently from her sides. She held them out from her body and leaned forward, preparing to jump. Still nothing from the bear. Morel leaped. Wings outstretched, talons forward, she drifted a short distance away. The only sound was the branch shaking on the pine tree now free of her weight.

The bear looked over its shoulder lazily but did not follow. Raspberries stained it's mouth. Morel chuckled to herself and snuck through the bushes to put distance between herself and the bear. She only stopped when she reached an overgrown clearing. Wildflowers and roots had reclaimed a human cabin, hiding it with buttercups and daisies and lavender. Morel laid down in the bushes surrounding the clearing and cleaned her talons with her beak.


Privet reached his burrow and slumped into the soft dirt in front of it. It held a welcome warmth. This home probably once belonged to a burrowing mammal, but it was already vacated when he found it. They would be welcome back, of course, if they'd be willing to stay for lunch.

The fox gryphon lazily pawed at his depleted stores and found only an old mouse. Eww. He ate it with open disgust. Though he had beautiful red feathers and fur, they were starting to lack their usual gloss and color. He'd go out later again, when he was feeling better. The sun felt so good on him that he stayed in the open, his bright colors visible against dry dirt.
Heehoo 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-10 14:29:14
((whoOoOO thank you that helps, i'll finish my other character soon enough!))

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-10 15:46:48
Akos dipped his head down, running his tongue along his front claws, detached yet aware of his surroundings. He was mostly content to rest in the pine for now, watch and wait until nightfall in a few hours. If he was hungry he could go hunt, though he was never one to catch more than one prey at a time and store it. He was a wanderer, never staying at one home for long so there was just no need for it. A part of him knew it wasn't good, but it was just his way of life since he was a chick. It wasn't always easy, but it had some perks that Akos desperately held onto.

A grumble left his lips as he was pulled from his own thoughts via a rustling somewhere close by. Their ears swiveled, trying to pinpoint where the sound came from. It sounded like it came towards the forest floor, but the gryphon couldn't be completely sure. Digging his claws into the tree, he pressed against the trunk and leaned forward a tad, scanning the ground below. Even with his excellent vision, he couldn't see whatever it was on the foliage covered floor. It put him on edge, fur and feathers fluffing up as he let out a quiet growl, both a warning and one of poorly-hidden irritation. Something else briefly caught his attention as well, a distant song somewhere in the trees. A bird, he guessed. The melody was lovely, and if he was any other creature, if he wasn't who he was, he might have been able to appreciate it. Maybe in another life. Still, he wasn't that gryphon, so it didn't matter.

His wariness and irritation was growing, both at the melody of what he assumed was a bird and whatever was on the forest floor below. Akos was a big ball of paranoia, he could at least admit as such and was aware of it. Paranoia was a good thing though, at least he thought it was. After all, you have no idea what's out there. What sounded like a call of a bird and the growl of a wolf left his throat, strangely distorted. A warning for whoever was nearby.

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2022-07-10 16:35:51
Saya's song sputtered to a halt at the loud growl/bird call. That... was not right. But it did mean that there was another gryphon out there! Albeit a large and extremely angry sounding one.

She waited for a few seconds and started up a quieter song, settling down slightly more as though anchoring herself against the growl.

((finished this girl's profile, it's in the spoiler at the end of this post! i'll leave her area vague so she can be with the others or i'll just leave her alone))

Atalia paced across the forest floor, wings twitching slightly as she followed the scent of.... something. Some rodent. She clicked her beak, moving into a faster trot as she followed the animal.

Barely a minute and she caught up, barely having to stretch as she crushed the small mammal, barely hearing the squeak before she ate it. Good enough. Fairly small but it'd do for now. She didn't recognise the area, not right away at least. Atalia's wings pressed closer to her body and she was tempted to try take off, ride the currents back to her home. The gryphon wanted to laugh after that silly thought passed, she had no use for such a waste of energy. Walking back would be easier, less of a strain.

Name: Atalia (as its spelled)
Pronouns: she/her
Adult/Adolescent/Chick: Adult (old ish, has had two clutchs so i'm saying around 4-5)
Description: Atalia is a fairly large gryphon, she's about 10 years old and has grown to her full size. Part of her is wolf and the other part is raven. As a traditional gryphon, unlike Saya's full squirrel body, she has the torso and back legs of a wolf with the tail, head and front legs of a raven. She's almost fully black, with thick, fluffy fur but there are patches missing along with various small scars from run ins with multiple animals. Most are from humans but there's definitely a few from other animals.
Personality: Atalia is fairly reserved, keeping to her areas and mostly avoiding other animals. Mostly. She has a reckless streak, she's prepared to lunge and fight at almost anything but being alone ensures she doesn't go after anything recklessly. Wildly protective. She's a mother along with being part wolf, an animal known for family and loyalty. Atalia is still quiet most of the time, she does worry for almost any animal that isn't her food and occasionally tries to help keep them safe but she's just trying to chill before she gets too old. Not having anyone else she's close to makes the gryphon worry but she has about two years, two years where she can most certainly fend for herself.
Mate/Family: Passed mate and 3 children, children may be open for drama but no mate!
Other: She's had 3 clutches, one didn't survive hatching and the other two went fairly well for about a year, before humans and other predators took advantage of the tired mother and the father out hunting to take what they could. Out of 3 clutches, only three gryphons survived. They left almost as soon as they were fully grown, eager to see what they could find in their own lives. Atalia has no clue what happened with them after they've left. The last time the humans came, they managed to kill not only 3 of her 4 children but her mate as well. She raised the child and then left the place she has spent most of her life, determined to keep away from the humans long enough to be able to live.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-10 21:57:00 (edited)
Privet lay in the dirt, tummy rumbling. His eyes stared ahead. The sun lulled him, but the sound!! So many bird calls. He prepared to nap longer, but the noise persisted. The sideways grass in his vision turned from blurry to clear again as he rolled onto his stomach.

Then, suddenly, a growl! It alarmed the smaller gryphon. He whipped around and stuck his beak into the air in the direction of the noise. It was so similar to a Wolf, but so high in the tree line? Could it be a gryphon? If it was, it was too far up for him to clearly see. Privet wasn't too keen to meet the stranger. If it had a deep wolf growl, it was undoubtedly larger than he was. If the stranger was aggressive, he'd better keep a low profile and stay out of its way.

At any rate, he'd keep the stranger in mind. Much like smaller carnivores ate the scraps of large carnivores, he was prepared to follow at a distance for the chance of a decent meal. Privet lowered his chin onto his paws again. The little bird started up her call again, quieter, and more bird calls made their way to his ears again. He kept them alert as he planned the best way to follow.


Morel lifted her head from her cleaning. Something was walking through the woods again. The bear?? Had it caught her scent again?? She moved her large body back into the dense safety of the woods. Silently she turned her silvery head along the path from which she came. A short run away were the Tell-tale signs of a large body pushing their way through the dense foliage. The bear?? No, it was something a little smaller, more lithe.

Whoever it was, it was so dark. The body was barely decipherable from the dappled shadows of the trees above. It was just… big. Organic. A shadow too irregular for a normal wolf, to skinny for a bear, just right for a confident adult gryphon.

Morel's heart raced with an excitement that she had not felt in a long time. She kept herself hidden, but made a few quick calls into the trees, "Shooo!! Shoo!!" A high pitched call of a juvenile great grey owl, but with a voice of something larger. She wanted to make herself known, but as unthreatening as she could. She hoped she was not out of earshot.
Heehoo 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-10 23:00:57
Akos shifted in the tree he was on, expression quite unpleasant. The distorted growl continued a brief amount of time longer, ears twitching as he listened to the altered song, quieter now. Well, at least it wasn't as loud. The young gryphon eventually stopped his own little anger-filled 'song', shifting upright into a hunched sitting position. His front talons gripped the bark of the pine tightly, the wood splinting under his grip and casting little wood splinters below. It was kinda like snowflakes, except it was a lot more irritating than snowflakes. Who would want to eat wood snowflakes anyway? Not Akos, that's for sure.

His gaze shifted, scanning across the foliage along the forest floor. For all he knew, it could have been a squirrel or something of the like, but something deep in his gut told him that wasn't the case. They stood to their full height, which wasn't very large - at least, not yet! - and squinted suspiciously a few branches below him. It would hopefully allow him to see the ground better. He spread his wings before diving, the branch rattling from the loss of his weight. Pine needles scattered, dropping to the ground below.

It was only a second before he was on the lower branch, the limb groaning precariously under the new weight of the gryphon. He pitter-pattered his feet on the wood, testing the strength. It would hold, probably. The quiet melody of the not-bird was at the back of his mind, present, but not something he thought was completely out of place. It was, however, interesting in the quick adjustment to his growl. Huffing, he settled on the lower branch, looking down at the ground with a much easier view than before. What he did with whatever the thing was, he didn't really know. Even though it hadn't been long, he was already feeling impatient and was getting annoyingly hungry as well, contrary to his previous thoughts. It wasn't likely he would wait here long.

WolfyFC | Mela Breeder

Posted 2022-07-11 04:15:26
The female gryphon shoved her way through yet another bush. The smell of bear and.... owl? Something else. Owl, bear and wolf. The owl and wolf scents were too faint to be alone, mixed in some sort of strange..... oh. Could it be another gryphon? It didn't have the adult tinge to the scent, the smell of nestlings was very distinctive but this was not that young. Certainly nowhere as old as herself. She pushed through a small bush and there, it smelled even stronger. The bear had peeled away from this area not too long ago. Lucky she hadn't come across it.

Two short calls, the pitch of an owl but the background of something much more than that hissed from the trees. It sounded young. Much to high pitched for an adult. Atalia must be right, a juvenile.

Too young to be out alone.... her wings rustled that thought away and her gaze flicked towards the trees surrounding her. She let out a half grumble, half raven's croak as a small acknowledgement. The gryphon would pass on if that was what the young one wanted. No need to scare another. After all, Atalia was further from her home than usual. Who knew if this was the other's home? Yet she held her place, searching the dark treeline for any sign of another gryphon.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-11 21:40:22
((Sorry if I'm slow at responding jfjjffjbf I feel like you two are so fast))

Privet quietly settled into a defensive position, dirt shifting around his talons and settling on his wings and fur. His eyes scanned the trees above him. What the heck was that? It sounded like something large was overhead. He was in absolutely no position to fight back. Too skinny, too I'll-prepared. His eyes skittered to his den. If he couldn't see the larger creature well, it probably meant he could run for cover if need be.

"Whatever you're huffing about up there," Privet tried to keep his voice from trembling, "There isn't much good prey here. I'd move on, if I were you." His voice projected into the branches. What if it wanted to eat him?? He's be tough, at least. Young, but malnourished.

It was very clear to him that whatever was above him dropped from a great height and it was at least his size. Very clearly a gryphon. Very clearly not one of snarky sisters. With so little of his species left, perhaps this was the ironic way he'd leave this world. The cruel fate of the claws of another.


The shadow stopped!! Morel watched in wonder as it returned her bird call with another bird call, but one different than her's. It didn't sound aggressive. The large wolf gryphon was delighted. Any answer other than a warning call was a welcome to her. She broke through her cover of the thick bush.

While she approached the other gryphon, she moved slowly. Her speckled body was only visible in the underground when it moved from the cover of thistles to bending a tree and ivy. She didn't dare go totally out in the open just yet. Her voice returned, "Shoo? Shooo..," The juvenile owl call sung through the air. It was curious, but cautious.

Before too long, she had bounded about ten feet away from the other gryphon. Morel could see she was an older gryphon, an elegant mix of a glossy Corvid. Her head slowly rose over the brush. Only her wide yellow eyes were visible and the top of her beak.

"Good afternoon," She lifted a wing and gestured in the direction of the bear and it's berries. "Is it safe here? Is the bear not around?"
Heehoo 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-11 22:02:14
Atalia watched the brush move slightly, barely betraying the path of the younger one. The calls repeated and she made a small croaky reply but otherwise kept quiet.

She almost startled as the other sprang forward, tucked into a bush rather close. A small head rose over the brush. A pair of wide yellow eyes gazed at her and Atalia almost let out a soft croak, happy to see another gryphon.

"Afternoon young one. The bear was close but it's trail has peeled away from this area. If it'd been close I wouldn't have come around." Her head tilted slightly, eyes narrowing a little. There was no sign of her parents, no sign of siblings. A horrible reality but she knew first hand how little clutches actually survived. Ruffling her feathers a little she considered the one before her. "Do you have anyone around? Parents, siblings, a friend?" Atalia questioned, dropping to seated position.

((its fineee <3 <3 at least you manage to reply every so often :D))

𓆏 phrog 𓆏

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