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☪️|Tsuna's Art Shack|☪️ MOVING

Posted 2020-12-23 15:29:25

Hi! I saw the announcement! Is the payment still 85c or 3gc?


Posted 2020-12-23 22:09:52 (edited)


No, sorry! It's written in the post that the lowest amount you can offer is 5 GC :)

Crumbcake ➶

Posted 2020-12-25 23:42:03

Comm Type:

Fullbody, please.


More so I am looking to turn this piece into a character, a Werewolf character to be precise. Could they have a little bit longer fur?


Sitting down in a bit of an front profile, one hand on the ground to their side with the opposite hand raised up to the front of their open snout.


In the midst of yawning; paired with an tired expression.

Payment Offer:

I have been overthinking the heck out of this. But how about 2x Small Doe, 2x Porcupine, and 2x Beaver Carcass'? All have full Feeding Uses. To go hand and hand with the Food, I'm also offering 7x Turtle Shells, 7x Bones, then 7x Feathers, of which the majority of Toys have retained their full Uses. 

Extra info(If any):



Posted 2020-12-26 09:01:06


Sorry! I'm currently not in need of food or toys atm, but thank you for your interest!! :D

Crumbcake ➶

Posted 2020-12-26 12:48:24

Added new examples!

Crumbcake ➶

Posted 2020-12-30 18:08:13

Are you able to humanize anthro characters


Posted 2020-12-30 18:35:10



Crumbcake ➶

Posted 2021-01-03 18:56:46

Comm Type: (Headshot, bust, fullbody, ect.)
ref -like the one done of Luz in your examples-


Pose(s): one of her standing, one half body. 

Expression(s): standing - Angry  half body-

Payment Offer: gc 10

Extra info(If any):
figured id add a small "personality" and id let you decide on what little notes to put in for her. 
May is a very down to earth loving wolf, shes exremely selfless and adores kids, shes a healing spiritual wolf who also 
isnt afraid to rip your throat out and watch you bleed. She puts her life on the line for others, and prefers to see others happy then herself. 

Comm Type: (Headshot, bust, fullbody, ect.)
ref- like Luz again

                                                                        Character(s): his name is Samael luciferin 

Pose(s): one standing, one half body

Expression(s): standing - bold stance, looking determined. half body- happy 

Payment Offer: gc 15

Extra info(If any):
personality - Sam is a bit a shy guy, not a ladies man but a man of god, hes actually a pastor, but hes quite down to earth, acepting of all no matter their past, loving and generous working to help anyone and everyone where he can. Sam is terrified of women, they make him quite uncomfortable (#closeted). He has a goofy side he brings out with kids and loves to read in his off time 

total payment 25gc <3 


Posted 2021-01-03 19:08:44


I would be happy to do these refs! Though perhaps instead of 25 you could raise payment to 30 so that both are the same price? If you do not want to then that's fine, I'll still do these commissions either way!

When you are ready you can send over your payment in a private trade,  and I'll get to work as soon as possible!

Crumbcake ➶

Posted 2021-01-03 19:10:31

yeah i suppose i could of just done it like that, im not often that brright lmaao. Sending payment now <3 


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