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Profile Font

Profile Font
Posted 2020-10-24 09:52:48

I was seeing a lot of users with different fonts when you go to their page, like all the texts - even labels for what things are on - their profile was that specific font. How are you able to do that? If it even makes sense.


Posted 2020-10-24 11:21:11

That is probably CSS. YOu can change fonts, colours and backgrounds.

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-10-25 05:50:18 (edited)

^That, yup; here’s a comprehensive CSS guide, and the property you’re looking for is font-family! It’ll look something like selector{font-family:FONTHERE,roboto,sans-serif;}, swapping out "selector" for

  • fonts all over the page: body
  • everything below the header (navigation links): .container
  • just the right column: #main
  • description only: .text-break

The roboto,sans-serif bit is a fallback; if for some reason the site can’t load the font you want (watch the spelling, and if it’s multiple words surround it in quotations like "Times New Roman"), it’ll look like the current Wolvden default instead.


Posted 2020-10-25 14:21:08

Thank you so much! I'll be looking into it more


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