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Hunger & Mood question, and one about food

Hunger & Mood question, and one about food
Posted 2020-10-24 09:45:48

Hello, I have two questions.

The first one is about food. Is there any food item that gives stats? Or do they all just fill wolves’ hunger.

The other question I got is if wolves have to be fully fed and have full mood. Like, does them not having 100% affect anything (excluding wolves that are weaning). Or can I just leave them unfed and not play with them until it’s 10-20% and they’ll be fine?


Posted 2020-10-24 09:49:08 (edited)

Let's see...

1. No, as of now, there is no food that give stats. And I don't see it happening, unless it's some kind of very rare or premium item that may come in the future.

2. Technically you can not feed/play to 100% without much problem, but if their hunger and mood go down a certain % (Not sure how much), wolves will run away and you'll have to claim them back with SC


Posted 2020-10-24 09:55:45

Okay! The one about food makes sense. Same with the other one. I was assuming they’d leave at 0% hunger/mood, but perhaps I was mistaken. 

But thank you for answering! 


Posted 2020-10-24 13:12:20

You get a warning icon when they're low enough to be hungry or unhappy, and I think a second warning icon if they're about to leave at rollover, so you'll be able to tell when you're in the danger zone!

Nursing mothers and weaned pups need to be at 100% for survival bonuses, but my other wolves seem fine at 60-80% so far.


Posted 2020-10-24 13:58:42 (edited)

Aah, alright, that’s good to know.

Thank you! 


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