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1x1 Rp w/ Wolf_Runner12 (Round 3!) (FINISHED)

Posted 2022-05-24 03:57:04
Naomi after a second looked away, keeping her ear buds in. She got out a note book and wrote a few things in it. She kept her gaze up at the teacher.


Posted 2022-05-24 04:34:21 (edited)
Hey luv, can't be online much this morning- I'll be active during the day though! :3 ))

Himiko rolled her eyes before looking back up at the teacher.
Then, suddenly she felt something hit her head. It was a piece of paper. She unfolded it and it said...

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-24 09:23:02
Thats fine! I just got a computer!))

'Hey, I know you are probably sick and tired of me but I just wanted to make sure you were ok...Your friend used my phone to call your parents last night. Sorry for bothering you!' -Naomi


Posted 2022-05-24 09:26:20
Woohoo! ^w^ ))
Bro, I totally forgot to tell you- My roomie and I are going on vacation, I'm leaving SUPER early on the 27th, and I won't be back until like June 5th, maybe 7th. :,| ))

She stared at the note for a moment, trying to decide whether to be offended or grateful. She held out her hand, not wanting to write a note.
The girl called Naomi looked confused. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her hand.
If you tell anyone what you saw last night, I will make your life a living hell. You got that? She glared at her, letting her eyes glow red a bit.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-24 09:37:22
Thats ok!))
I am actually going on vacation this Saturday and I won't be back until the next Saturday on June 4th.))

Naomi looked confused, Why would I tell anyone...? You're a demon, so who cares? I'm an angel. What's the point of exposing you, when I am also a monster in people's eyes?


Posted 2022-05-24 09:41:03 (edited)
Oh wow! Where are you going? And also, awesome! ^^ ))

She almost laughed out loud at that.
You? A monster? Don't make me laugh. People practically fall to their knees when they see an angel on the streets. No one thinks you're a monster. . She trailed off, slowly taking her hand back.
She looked down as she began thinking about all the things people had said to her over the years. She didn't want to think about it, but she had already started, and she was already zoning out.
At the end of class, she went to leave, but she was stopped by an irritatingly familiar redhead on her way out.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-24 09:46:32
I am going to the beach lol. ))

Naomi had thought about something else. All she simply did was hold up something Himiko left behind. She turned and left without another word, once she handed it back to her.


Posted 2022-05-24 09:51:49
A vacation to the beach? I don't get it .-.
My roomie and I are going to Hawaii, but I'm afraid of planes and the ocean, sooooo- Fun :,] ))

She stared down at the paper Naomi had handed to her. It was the note she tossed earlier, which Himiko had just left on the desk. She rolled her eyes and tossed it over her shoulder. Without another thought, she headed off to her next class.

We need to discuss our next checkmark btw. The characters have met, it should be around time that Naomi develops feelings. They can take a few months for that, and Himiko is denying that she likes Naomi because of the things people have said to her in the past. :^ ))
Thoughts? And don't just say that sounds good, I want actual feedback. U>U ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-24 09:56:48
Wow, thats a good ways away from where I live lol))

For our next mark, I figure maybe Himiko finally kinda warmed up to Naomi. Maybe they slowly started hanging out at each others home and thats where Naomi starts to develop feelings.))


Posted 2022-05-24 09:59:54
Yeah, same here lol- I have to take two different flights just to get there XD ))

And yesss! I love it! I also like the idea of them becoming frenemies before they catch feelings! It'll make the transition way smoother =w=. Also, I'm thinking that instead of just Naomi catching feelings, they both do. Only, Himiko chooses to ignore her feelings. That means they can have a big drama scene that's all like, 'Why won't you just admit you like me?! You're allowed to have feelings!' 0v0 ))
So do you want to start? I can if you need me to :3 ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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