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1x1 Rp w/ Wolf_Runner12 (Round 3!) (FINISHED)

Posted 2022-05-29 19:32:23
Yes! Also the WiFi here stinks so if I vanish, that's why.))

Naomi stopped when she felt the barrier between them. "Please, don't force me away. God  I-I thought something happened to you when you vanished and your dads are worried sick. God if something happened to you, it would be my fault and I can't live with that guilt."


Posted 2022-05-29 19:37:07
Oof- Also, Viv got the flight date wrong, it wasn't today, it's tomorrow TvT ))

She was tempted to speak, just to prove a point, but her throat had bruises from their argument a few days ago. Even she wasn't going to be that reckless.
Nevermind. Yes I am. She grumbled, not willing to take Naomi's hand.
"Well guess w-what? N-Nothing's h-ha-happened, so f-fuck off." She stuttered, holding her hand to her throat again.
She was still pissed at Naomi, and bringing up her dads just made it worse.
Hah- They aren't worried about anything except for child abandonment charges . . She sighed, shuddering at the thought.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-29 19:49:19
Dang that sucks lol))

"Trust me, they are. Your parents might not be the best in the world, but they love you so much. Your papa, he panicked when he heard that you weren't at my house. Please, Himiko. I'm sorry..I never should have said what I said. I know you'll never forgive me, and you don't need to give me an apology because... Your right. I did nothing but mess up your life. I-I never helped you, even when I thought I were right about my real parents. I-I understand why, they didn't keep me. But God I'm so sorry, Himiko. Please believe me." She said. She hadnt meant to cry but she did.


Posted 2022-05-29 19:53:38
Gonna shower rq- Don't leave meee- I'll be back on in like fifteen to twenty minutes, I swear T.T ))

She wasn't able to stay mad once she saw Naomi break down. It wasn't even minor, she was full-on shaking. Himiko set down the barrier and walked over to her slowly, not sure if she should still be mad. Naomi didn't seem to notice she was there, so she raised her hand and wiped her face with her sleeve. Then, she wrapped her arms around her.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-29 19:56:42
I won't leave ya lol))

Naomi wrapped her arms around her, the tears still falling. "I'm sorry. I promise I will leave you alone. I just need to make sure you were ok. I didn't mean any of the things I said."


Posted 2022-05-29 20:22:50

She sighed, hugging her tighter.
Don't you dare leave . . I know you didn't mean it, but you're right. She replied, burying her face in Naomi's chest.
I lock away my emotions, and it's a really bad habit, but- She hesitated. Everyone is constantly judging me for my dads.. I just- I just don't want that to happen.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-29 20:40:55
Sorry, I'm sharing a room with my little brother so I am having to hide my tablet))

"Ignore them, ok? They can judge you all they want, but you are the one who decides if you let them get to you or not."
Naomi buried her head into Himiko shoulder.


Posted 2022-05-29 20:43:28
It's alright luv- Gotta do whatcha gotta do. Depending on how old he is, just tell him you're doing extra work/school email shit. Always works for me =v= ))

They stood there for a while before Himiko looked up. Naomi took her head away from Himiko's shoulder and looked at her.
She stared into Naomi's eyes, taking in every little detail before she closed the gap, placing a hand on Naomi's cheek as she did so.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-05-29 20:47:47
We're good. He just passed out asleep))

Naomi seemed shocked and tensed up, but she soon felt herself leaning into the kiss.
When they pulled about Naomi kinda panicked, "What-I thought. Do you actually have feelings for me?"


Posted 2022-05-29 20:49:41
Awh- Sweet =w= ))

She panicked inside a bit before speaking.
"U-Uhm, y-ye-yes.?" She sounded a little awkward, and it was obvious her throat still hurt. She looked down at her feet and messed with her hands a bit, beginning to worry if she'd somehow misread the situation.

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

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