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Asylum for the Insane and Magical RP page

Posted 2022-08-01 10:47:12
*Zhero a very odd slurping sound, he laid down next to Volsung since Yoko continued gripping him, he squinted at the tv and reached over for the remote located at Volsung's side but his hand was swiftly smacked*
"Nope, not letting you break this one"
*The berserker said simply and didn't even look at the twisted fool who was staring at him with a raised brow*
"Ah was just gonna….change the channel"
*Zhero said as his eye farted back and forth, Volsung wasn't buying it*

*Dagor was dead silent, and his mind spiraled all in which were pure insults. Good, now stay there until you truly are dead, no one wants you here and when your sister finds out about the staunt you pulled she will be PISSED khehhehehehhehhhe, a jester's laughed echoed the core of his mind, You sTuPId StUpId Bjorn!!! Bear remember?! You stupid bear!!!!, the voice continued pressing.Just remember the time your mother called you a puppet, that the game you bought at the time with your own money was really your father bribing you, we all know it's not true, why, you are a loan shark, you sharked the money from your father and bought the game but tsk tsk tak! Seems your mother think sooooo little of you!!!! KhHhehehehehehhhehjehehehhhhehehehehe, the laughter continued, leaving Dagor to curled up as tightly he possibly could in the grave*


Posted 2022-08-01 11:02:37
(xD eye farts)

Yoko snuggles into Zhero, softly purring.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2022-08-01 11:05:16
Miichi felt something was off about Dagor, it wasn't like him to act like this. He's probably talking shit about himself. Hah! Dumbass. Akavi snickers in the back of Miichi's mind. "Shut up Akavi, I never asked for your opinion." Miichi mumbles. Getting up the Avian jumps down into the grave and sits next to the male. "want to talk about it?" She asks gently.

Posted 2022-08-01 11:20:51
"How do you do that?"
*Volsung looked over to Zhero who was trying to stealthy take the remote but pulled back the moment Volsung looked at him*
*He squinted*
"Make yer eye fart"
*Volsung didn't even blink as he asked, and Zhero wasn't going to give up his secrets*

*Dagor grunted then sat up, he knew better then to say anything, he was raise to never speak*
"Snitches get their jaw broken, tongue torn out and mouth sewed shut while traitors are buried alive, one must already have the traitors grave dig out before hand"
*He recited as he looked down at his hands, his uneven black nails really did suit him, even in his moment of weakness Dagor refused to speak much of anything which pained him, he had comforted Miichi, told her to let it all out for the sake of her sanity but when it came down to it, Dagor never truly had any, no he had lost it the moment he was born it was a matter of time when he allowed his true self to come out*


Posted 2022-08-01 11:25:50

Yoko stayed snuggled up with Zhero, still technically awake, but also technically half asleep.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2022-08-01 11:28:14
"Where on earth did you hear that? Whoever told you that is a dumbass. Sure that's probably what happened thousands of years ago, but now those who snitch might feel bad but they don't get tortured. Same for traitors, sure they might lose all their friends' trust but they don't get buried alive or anything. If that was the case then I'd be in the ground right now." Miichi puts her hand on Dagor's and smiles at him. "Can we please go back to the Asylum? We can talk more there."

Posted 2022-08-01 12:23:46
*Volsung and Zhero continued staring at each other *

*Dagor looked down at his hand then back at Miichi wtih a raised brow, he remembered his father saying to never shake hands for he would knock the person out, he clearly wasn't going to do that to Miichi but found it odd how she would touch him in such manner*
"Why do you expect me to tell you anything? I spent me entire life biting my tongue yet you continue the false belief I would crack"
*He looked Miichi in the eyes and didn't move a muscle *


Posted 2022-08-01 12:29:59
"I'm not saying to crack, I'm saying to open the doors and let others in. If you're able to accomplish that, then things like what just occurred; won't be as hard on you." Miichi removes her hand and doesn't flinch or even blink. "If you don't want to move then that's fine with me. But it appears that rain is coming, and I myself don't like getting my wings wet. So when you're ready you can come back. I'll wait for as long as it takes, that's what friends do of course." Miichi gets up and climbs out of the grave. Soon she starts walking back to the Asylum.

Posted 2022-08-01 12:36:10
Yoko kept purring, starting to fall asleep again.
Night Crow the Bird Brain

Posted 2022-08-01 12:36:53
*Dagor sat in the grave longer, it started to rain heavily and he still didn't budge until his clothes were drenched, and the grave was filling up to his stomach. His walk to the asylum was a rather somber one and despite making his way to the entrance he ended up standing to the side of the door with his arms crossed and resembled a pissed off bouncer, he looked around the area and his phone went off causing him to finally head back to his room*


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