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When custom decors hit, what are you hoping to see?

Posted 2020-12-22 22:27:51

I've been making some drafts, mostly of crowns nature-themed crowns, but I'm considering making some wings. (brown-black-white, to start with) based off actual birds, but I'm not sure how long before I'd wanna prepare them since we have No Clue when it'll be available... :(


Posted 2020-12-27 13:52:05

I’ve got a nice pack emblem drawn out that I’d love to make into royal line tattoos!


Posted 2021-01-22 09:58:41

I'm not amazing at realistic art so I'm making some little ear piercings and experimenting with small bracelets! One thing I would like seeing is decor for pups and adolescents. Like, maybe a little pacifier for the pups, or just a modified, pup-sized version of other custom decors like the jewelry and crowns.


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