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Death's circle

Posted 2022-03-24 06:18:52
*Xerous watched Diana leave then crossed his arms*


Posted 2022-03-24 06:20:36
She waved over her shoulder and started jogging, heading into the city as night fell.


Posted 2022-03-24 07:13:18
*Xerous glanced at her then continued staring straight ahead*


Posted 2022-03-24 07:16:04
She made sure to stop at her camp, changing into a more appealing dress. Once she was ready, she went to a bar, luring in admirers. In return of their adoration, she ensured that she would bring them home, and one by one, she lured to her camp, before knocking them out, binded.


Posted 2022-03-24 07:18:06
*Xerous kicked the wall behind him then leaned down to open a hidden compartment and pulled out a Dr. Pepper, which he drank while his eyes darted back and forth*


Posted 2022-03-24 07:19:45
( XD even he likes Dr.Pepper. )

By the time the sun started rising, Diana had a few dozen men following her back. She held her knife in one hand, the other holding rope which dragged the men forward.


Posted 2022-03-24 07:25:46
*Xerous' shift was over and was replaced by a smaller male who bore scars on his face and was rather hideous, and like always Xerous decided to go into Diana's room where he opened her dresser to make sure her clothes were folded then laid in her bed*


Posted 2022-03-24 07:28:36
Diana wrinkled her nose and shoved the men over to the male, her bag's justling at the movement. She kept one for herself, a young teen and slit his neck. The blood spilled out onto her dress but she didn't care. Without a word, she made her way back to her room.


Posted 2022-03-24 07:34:43
*Xerous turned his head to bit then folded the blanket back so Diana could slip under the covers next to him*


Posted 2022-03-24 07:35:46
Diana yawned, it was a long night, and crawled under the blanket's gracefully.


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