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Newbie Here! Looking for a Mentor :)

Newbie Here! Looking for a Mentor :)
Posted 2020-10-22 10:21:53

So! I finally figured out how to make this thread. LOL

I am new and am slowly getting the hang of things on here. But I do still need quite a bit of help. I just needed someone who is good at explaining things and can help me with a few of these things:

- How on EARTH does the trading center work? 

- How do you sell wolves using the trading center?

- I do art and would like to try selling it. How would I go about doing that in the forums? How much would my art be worth? And how would I advertise it?

- How do aging up pups work if you have 30 slots for them and only 5 adult slots?

- What are some good tips for breeding and getting good wolves with good markings?

Those are my BIG questions at the moment. I know there is a beginner's guide, but I would like someone who I can actually converse with and ask questions about these things. And I am sure I'm bound to get a whole bunch more :)

Thank you so much to anyone and everyone willing to help!



Posted 2020-10-22 22:33:21

Hi there! I can try to help you a bit!

I'm not sure where to start in talking about the Trading Centre but I can explain how to sell wolves. First, they can't have a pack role (ie. hunter, pupsitter, etc.) and then click the "Create a Trade" button in the Trading Center. Then name your trade, and under the heading Wolves choose the wolf you want to sell. You can then set a Buyout price under the Buyout heading (not under the Currency heading.) Near the bottom of the page you can say what you want in return for the wolf if you are looking for a specific item or something like that (or you could just add details, such as you only want to accept SC in the trade). Then hit Create Trade at the bottom and there you go! It's basically the same if you want to sell anything else, just instead of adding wolves, add items etc. (you can also add multiple wolves and/or items in one trade).

If you have puppies that you want to keep, but don't have enough adult slots, go to your Den page and scroll to the bottom. There is a spot to buy more adult slots (it costs SC).

If you're looking for wolves with nice markings you can try the trading center. Alternatively, you can breed your female wolves to other people's studs that have markings you like in the hopes of getting some nice puppies! It can get sort of expensive though, so what I did was add a few markings to my breeding male so I can get puppies with nice markings without having to use other people's studs.

As for art, I don't really know anything about that, but I believe there is a spot in the forum for sales if you go to Chatter/Tree Carvings/Art Sales (just go to Chatter at the top of the screen and look for the heading Tree Carvings, it should be under that one.)

Hope this helps a bit! If you need anything else, just let me know!


Posted 2020-10-23 07:59:26

Thank you :)


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