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❤️ Design My Twins! 20GC & Big Bundle of Custom Decor + BG ❤️

Posted 2022-03-16 19:14:59
Heres my first entry! I was going for a warrior princess theme <3 link

Posted 2022-03-16 19:22:41 (edited)
Here's my entry, a bit more of a natural look imo that can probably fit with some of your more dark decors.



Posted 2022-03-16 19:36:58 (edited)
Here's my entry! :)

Mabon & Ostara
(the fall and spring equinox)
<-> Change the name if you like, I just think they sound cool together


They look like little zombies to me lol. I'm sure more décor would tie it all together!

Posted 2022-03-16 19:54:16
Entry 2 what if they got the claws from this lunar event...


Posted 2022-03-16 20:21:05
These are so great! Keep it up everyone

Ending in a few hours, before Rollover hits. Starting to pick my top picks!

† Salem Trials †

Posted 2022-03-16 20:49:58

finally got my design done- kinda sorta last minute but we don't talk about that :shh emoji that we don't have-:

Revised Pupper <- link


Posted 2022-03-16 20:58:27
My design! C:


Posted 2022-03-16 21:17:07
hehe you mentioned maybe not monochrome so i went neutralish with a bit of color, i wanted it to be a pretty design that can work with any eye color or base with only minimal changes to the previous design :D

feel free to play around with the bases you like!! I personally like airglow. ngl it took a long time to find a design that worked decently seamlessly with most bases so im pretty proud! I hope you like it XD
Cheese 🧀 𓆏

Posted 2022-03-16 21:48:09
my entries! :D


I hope you don't mind that they all have the same markings! I thought the other bases went really cool with them!


Posted 2022-03-16 22:33:59
Wow you guys are making my job hard, haha. Great entries!

† Salem Trials †

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