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Private RP between Plagg and Ashfur

Posted 2022-03-13 16:57:49
He looked away, though a slight spark of warmth lit him up when the fluffball rubbed against him. "I.. Well, I'm not sure why they kicked me out. They got really angry, like yelling and throwing stuff angry. Then the biggest housefolker did a huge yell and pushed me out into the open door, and I ran around a little bit and now I'm here." He explained, his paws shuffling. "Ah. Anyhow, how about we find some better shelter than this porch? Maybe find a little roof, or.. Dig a hole!" He seemed like all his happiness had returned.
womp womp

Posted 2022-03-13 17:07:49
"Oh..." Venus replied, her face saddening "There's a place not far from here that has bigger roofs and maybe we can find a blanket or bed!" she replied once more sitting under Spark as if he was a shelter from the rain "Finding food may be another story but we can for sure find something... Food scraps or..." she started to think "Even if we have to steal a sausage!" she replied again "And we can find a lost coat or something for a bed..." she replied again continuing to think "And we can build a house with what we find!" she replied again


Posted 2022-03-13 17:10:42
"Ooh! Ooh! I've got an idea!" He said, pacing around happily. "We can build a house out of sticks- and, and leaves!" He said, not even waiting for a reply he dashed over to grab the biggest logs he could find. "I'll take the heavy loads, the sticks, and you gather a BUNCH of leaves, rocks, moss, whatever is out there!" He paced happily as he mumbled through the stick in his mouth.
womp womp

Posted 2022-03-13 17:13:23
Venus giggled "I know where a bridge is! We could live under their! And in the afternoons we could wander the city together and find stuff for collecting and get food from strangers!" she replied, her tail wagging slowly due to happiness "We could get a better house over time as we build too!" she replied with a smile


Posted 2022-03-13 17:18:19
"Even better idea!!! Let's go! Uh, wheres the bridge, though?" His ears twitched, his paws ready to follow the cat. "Oh, also, what's your name again? I'm Spark. I don't know if you already told me your name, but if you did, I think I forgot."
womp womp

Posted 2022-03-13 17:26:56
Venus giggled "Just around the corner, not too far!" she replied "The name's Venus!" she replied


Posted 2022-03-13 17:28:37
"Cool!.. Hm. You don't LOOK like venus.. heck, what does venus even look like?" He started then went on a playful rant about how he didnt know much housefolk stuff.
womp womp

Posted 2022-03-13 17:37:41
Venus giggled "Does anyone know what it looks like?" She replied


Posted 2022-03-13 17:40:16
He sniffed a laugh, shaking his fur and wagging his tail. "I wish I did! Y'know, theres a lot of stuff I wish I knew."He chatted as he followed the cat.
womp womp

Posted 2022-03-13 17:43:29
Venus giggled and followed the trail she had marked down to the bridge "There's things we all wish we knew but we don't.." she replied


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