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New 'Accent' Custom Decor category with smaller GC sink

New 'Accent' Custom Decor category with smaller GC sink
Posted 2022-03-02 08:21:05
Every copy of a custom decor bought sinks 5gc into the site, meaning the absolute minimum a user can buy a decor for is 5gc + 1sc. This actively punishes artists of minor or accent decors, because few people want to spend 5gc on something as small as an eye highlight or tiny bracelet when other larger decors are a more worthwhile investment of their GC, and if the artist wants to make profit they must charge more than this, leading to a very steep price for very small decors.

This greatly disincentivises the creation of minor decors with very low coverage, as well as the buying thereof. It also motivates artists to release, for example, a full set of jewellery decor rather than individual parts of it, which will make it less useful and suitable for people who might find that one area conflicts with other decors on their wolf. Overall, the large GC cost for decor copies means that artists are discouraged from drawing small decors or individual parts of a set.

I suggest a new category of custom decor, perhaps Accent Decors or Minor Decors or something alike, which artists submitting a decor could select if their decor covers a low % of the image. This category could take a smaller amount of GC per copy for the site, perhaps 2gc, making the cost of buying considerably less painful for minor decors, and encouraging artists to create low coverage decors for wolves.


Posted 2022-03-02 08:24:57
Yes please! This is a wonderful idea! Let us have small bits of decor without breaking the bank! 10/10


Posted 2022-03-02 10:26:57
Great idea :) I feel like a lot of people skip buying them because they can get much more complex decor for pretty much the same price.


Posted 2022-03-02 10:32:03 (edited)
Yes, please. I'll be the first to say I just won't buy custom decor that doesn't change much visibly because while the SC/GC price the artist has in mind looks fair, it certainly doesn't look the part with an added 5GC tax.

Many times I've seen decor that I like and went "nah, too expensive" which also harms Wolvden because custom decor is meant to be a GC sink and well... no GC is sinking if I'm not incentivised to buy it! The things I did end up buying were ones that covered or otherwise highlighted the whole body, that were glaringly visible and not subtle in what they did. It punishes artists and it's just not doing Wolvden as a game/company any favours.

Edited for formatting.


Posted 2022-03-02 15:28:38
Support. There's lots of small decors I'd like to make, little pieces of jewelry etc, that I don't bc I know if I charge fairly for them I'll get almost no return on my work. I love making eye decors and the reward there is more to see people use them, so I make those anyway, but... yeah.


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