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Im new

Im new
Posted 2020-10-21 14:07:06

Im new came from lioden  things are way different here any tips would be greatly appreciated 


Posted 2020-12-12 09:18:54 (edited)

Hey, welcome! I’m from Lioden as well, so I figured I could give you some advice for some things that are different over here from there :3

Illness - These aren’t in Lioden at all so... yee (sorry, I’m awkward). Some illnesses are contagious and can be spread multiple different ways so here’s some tips to prevent spreading them.

  • Hunting - If a sick wolf goes on a hunt with other wolves (I’m not 100% sure, but I think this is true) I think the illness has a chance to spread to other wolves in the hunting party so avoid sending sick wolves on hunts with other wolves.
  • Breeding - Some contagious illnesses can be spread through breeding, but it’s not all of the contagious illnesses so just read the illness description that appears on your sick wolf’s page and it should tell you if that specific illness can be spread through breeding. Some illnesses also prevent breeding.
  • Caves - I highly recommend making a  “Quarantine Cave” or something of the sort to put sick wolves in when they have contagious illnesses, as sickness can be spread between wolves in the same cave when you rollover. Also, unsorted wolves can get illnesses from wolves in any cave, as well as spread them to wolves in any cave.

Personalities - In hunting parties, the personalities of your wolves can affect the chances of the hunt being successful as some personality types clash. Aggressive and Friendly personality types don’t get along, and Romantic and Stoic types don’t get along. If clashing personalities are in the same hunting party, the chance you succeed the hunt decreases.

Uhhh... that’s all I can think of for now so yee. If you need any help or have more questions, feel free to ask ^^ Oh, also I’ll yeet you a link to the Grouse House real quick cuz it’s really useful!

The Grouse House - Contains a lot of useful information. If you ever need to know anything, that’d be the first place I check. [Link to Grouse House]


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