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[Closed] YWH Icons & Art by Keld

Posted 2020-10-21 13:44:45

Sounds good thanks

Heretic Illusionist

Posted 2020-10-21 22:48:09

Name/ID: Sicarian #4845

Reference Wolf: Aleu

Background: Transparent - Transparent

Other: None


Posted 2020-10-21 23:08:14 (edited)

Name/ID: 19768

Reference Wolf: Thana

Background: Transparent - transparent

Other: Is it possible for the pumpkin to have a carved face?


Posted 2020-10-21 23:09:30 (edited)

If you have any more slots open...

Reference Wolf: (I'm only working with Wolvden wolves presently) he

Background: Transparent - Flat color (specify hex code please) - Dynamic color (specify hex code for base, please) Something aesthetically fitting to the wolf if possible? c:

Other: (Any scars, line changes, etc. should be listed here please.) Nope!

Comatoast 🐀

Posted 2020-10-22 08:19:31 (edited)

Whoo this was a busy morning. Sorry in advance for any weird stray apostrophes, I try to catch them all but miss some--my keyboard is staging a rebellion starting with that key. 

Shadowsspy and Sicarian: I finished yours this morning and sent over a trade request and PM containing links, but I'm putting them here as well for future reference. Please take a moment to save them just in case. :) As always, if there needs to be any edits, let me know and I'll handle it right quick for you. Hope you like them!! 

Xandris: Sounds good, I'll work on what I can for now, and yes it's possible for the pumpkin's face to be carved. Can you provide a reference for how you want it to look?

Comatoast: Due to differences in aesthetic opinions, I'm afraid I no longer offer to select colors for people in their artwork. What looks good to me may look terrible to you! Please let me know what style of background you'd like, and in what color. It's just best that way, as I've found I am rarely able to anticipate what colors people would like most! I just want to make sure you're happy with your piece. :) However, I'll reserve a slot for you pending background info.

Update for the day: Today is going to be a busy one for me, and I doubt I'll have any more time today to get art in. I've already got Xandris' piece almost done (only waiting on info re: what face for the pumpkin) so I expect to get that one done, but I'm afraid any further commissions will have to wait until tomorrow. Sorry guys! Also temporarily closing for new orders so I don't get a backlog. I will be revising pricing as these are taking longer to customize than I expected. I will honor the prior pricing for all those whose orders have already be placed, but new orders will be under revised pricing, which is TBD.


Posted 2020-10-22 11:34:49

Sorry for the wait, I was asleep ^^;

For the expression, would number four on row one (top right) be alright? 



Posted 2020-10-22 11:57:51

Love him thanks so much

Heretic Illusionist

Posted 2020-10-22 12:10:02

Ah, that's fair. Sorry!

What about [#fcc100] to match his eyes? c:

Comatoast 🐀

Posted 2020-10-22 14:32:43

Omg, I love it! He looks super freaking adorable! OwO 


Posted 2020-10-23 08:12:03

Sorry for the delay guys, life happened! But I got the outstanding orders completed, so we're all good. I won't be opening again until Monday, I think.

Sicarian, I'm so happy you like it!! :D He's such a pretty wolf omg. <3

Xandris, no worries! I, too, sleep. :) Got you taken care of this morning though. Let me know if you need any changes. I'll send over a trade request shortly. Good idea on the face, it looks cute as a jack-o-lantern!

Comatoast (your username is fun BTW haha) No need for sorries! Thank you for the color, it does look nice with his eyes! I assumed on the dynamic background, but if you prefer flat let me know, I'll get it on over to you right quick. Likewise if there are any edits you need. I'll send a trade request over in a minute as well. Hope you like it!


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