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πŸ’°βœ¨Lowering the GC price!βœ¨πŸ’°

Posted 2022-05-23 17:32:15
The wolf market has long been completely screwed.. but that's a topic for another forum post. As for the pregnancy problem, you could simply leave the hunter unnested until the last day of her pregnancy, until the hunts have been used up- that's what I always do, and it works fine.

The personality problem might be solved by reshuffling of parties, but I don't know your wolves, therefore that might not be an option- I agree that's an issue, then.

𓆏 rainbowjewel 𓂏𓁹

Posted 2022-05-23 17:41:47
How do you think is the best way for the mods to solve this, then? Without going extra lengths when they aren't needed, or without them loosing profit?

ΰΌΊβ›§π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›§ΰΌ»οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-05-23 17:52:50
I really don't think there is anything they can do? Any change I could think of would lose them profit and piss a lot of players off.

𓆏 rainbowjewel 𓂏𓁹

Posted 2022-05-23 17:57:17
That's true. This is what I'll be sending to the mods, if anyone wants to use it as a basis, or give pointers:

"Hello there! Many people, including myself, dissagree with how the GC:SC conversion prices keep increasing. I understand that Silver is an infinite source, obtainable through various (mostly-easy) methods. Daily quests are a great source of Silver, so long as you have the materials to complete the quests. But what about the people that don't have the resources? The people that aren't a high enough level, or don't play often enough to have such materials, or don't have enough healing salves for battles? And, in a more pressing matter, what about the people who use that silver elsewhere?

Silver can be used to buy wolves, items, and even GC. Other than trading, silver is most often used for the player's wolves: Feeding, playing, customizing, and breeding. But what happens when the pack begins to increase? Hunting suddenly doesn't provide you with enough food, and expolring doesn't supply enough amusement or herbs for medicines. An easy way to solve that would be to sell, giveaway, enclave or chase some of your wolves. Except, what if the player is too atached to their wolves to chose which ones will leave? What if they've spent energy and money and supplies on the wolf, or what if they're part of a project?

A tight spot to be in, but surely not unfixable, right? One could buy Gold with real world money, and use that to get what they need. They could ask help from another player, either to provide neccessities or watch over wolves until you can supply the materials yourself. Another solution would be to open a trading center to earn money through various ways, sometimes without even costing you. However, within each of those examples, I see a fault: The player might not be in a place to spendreal-world money on Gold; They might not have anyone that would help them for free, and then they don't have the currency to pay them; Maybe they are too busy in real life to sustain a shop of that kind.

This loops back to the main problem: Gold simply doesn't supply the relief that it used to. You buy Gold, spend it on what you need, and then that's all used up and suddenly your in the exact same predicament. Now, Icertainly don't see you as one of those self-serving, pay-to-play game companies-- I can see that you care, and you listen, and you try in every way you can to help the people that play your game. That is precisely why I've come to you today, because I know you'll listen. For some players, Wolvden is loosing it's fun, easy-going charm that makes it what it is. For some players, the balance is too hard to maintain and the community is raising the prices too high. There simply isn't enough time in the day, or money in the world, that could seemingly solve that.

So what do we ask from you? We ask that you do what you can to bring WD back to it's entertaining, serene, glory in whatever way you can. May that be stepping in and bringing the GC:SC ratio down to an easy price, or supplying painless ways to earn small amounts of GC, without targetting people with lots of money to spend. You could possibly add extra-special weekly quests that are slightly harder, or require more experience; Maybe providing undemanding ways to get supplies themselves, without needing a plethera of Gold to complete personal projects or to finally feel secure with your pack.

People I've interacted with have shared their concerns and restlessness. They agree that the community have raised the prices too high, even replacing buyouts in the TC with Gold only, no matter how easy the supplies are to normaly get. For most players, the TC is their main provision; That's become harder and harder as easy-to-get items are suddenly worth the same amount as those that are difficult to obtain.

If you wish to explore more on other opinions, here is the link to one of the threads regarding player concerns on Gold-Silver conversion: ""Β  I don't doubt there are more threads similar to this, or more players that haven't shared their opinions. If you must, make a public poll to see the majority opinion-- That would surely work well, and even provide you with ideas and solutions neither of our groups have thought of yet.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope you consider stepping in to do what you need to. This issue is already large, and I would hate to see it get worse before anyone steps in. For as incredible of a game WD is, I don't want it to lose players over something handleable like this. If Wolvden were to lose players, it should be over an apocalypse, not a shortage of money or time!"

ΰΌΊβ›§π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›§ΰΌ»οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-05-23 17:57:52 (edited)
Sorry it's long... I ranted too much.

It was fun debating with you, 𓆏 rainbowjewel 𓃗!

ΰΌΊβ›§π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›§ΰΌ»οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-05-23 18:06:52 (edited)
you too! :D

𓆏 rainbowjewel 𓂏𓁹

Posted 2022-05-23 18:13:48
No, I find that you said everything I personally feel. I really hope the mods respond to you, but I kind of feel like they may ignore it.
Clarissa πŸ’« She/Her

Posted 2022-05-23 18:15:31
I'm glad I got everything. And I hope they respond helpfully as well, this is very serious and I want them to understand that.

ΰΌΊβ›§π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›§ΰΌ»οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-05-24 16:46:47
They said they "don't take suggestions in emails" and to open up a thread on game suggestions

I'll open one later and post the link here

ΰΌΊβ›§π”Έπ•–π•Ÿπ• π•”π•ͺπ• π•Ÿβ›§ΰΌ»οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-05-24 16:52:16
Ugh. Typical. Hopefully this goes somewhere.


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