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I need adopted

I need adopted
Posted 2020-10-20 14:32:16

Hi, I have been awaiting Wolvden to be PA and finally joined last night. I understand some of the game but I still have lots of question and I'd rather not flood a chat with them. 

One, do you need adult wolf slots if you have puppies born in order to keep all of your puppies? 

Two, how do people know they have albino carriers? 

Three, can I customize a wolf that is already alive? For example, my main wolf. 

I also have questions about certain items and what they do. Like the rabbits foot, blue jay feathers, etc. 


Posted 2020-10-20 16:12:46 (edited)

1) Puppies and adolescents are counted as "Pack Pups". The number of pack pups you can have increases as you get more adult slots. You need more adult slots if you want to keep them when they become adults, but while they're puppies they don't fill an adult slot. 

2) To check, you have to breed your wolf to a confirmed carrier or to an albino stud. Even that is a little tricky because even if you have a carrier, you may only end up with carriers and non-carrier, non-mutated pups. People who say they have albino carriers likely already had an albino pup (though to my knowledge there has only been one born, which died). 

3) Click the wolf you want to customize, go to the Wolf Details tab, and scroll all the way down. Under "Looks" there will be a green button that says "Customise". Click this to be taken to the Customiser. Please note that none of the wolfs current markings, base, skin, eyes, etc will be retained unless you specifically add them in the Customiser, and that some markings and bases are not in the Customiser.

4) I think you mean the Lucky Foot. When you use it in battle, your moves have a higher chance of working. The Lucky Foot does not let you auto-win a battle like it does on LioDen. Blue Jay Feathers are just amusement items. You can use them to play with your wolves or you can go to This Link to use them to craft nesting material. 

If you need clarification, let me know. You can PM any other questions to me, I'm on every day. 

🌿 Hartley

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