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Change Arctic Wolf Eye Color

Change Arctic Wolf Eye Color
Posted 2021-12-17 23:42:44 (edited)
Hi so this is a rather minor pet peeve, but I've noticed the in-game explore/battle art for arctic wolves gives them blue eyes. Real arctic wolves do not have blue eyes, and while it's par for the course with the players' wolves in this game to have funky colors, the explore art has generally seemed very accurate to the real animals it represents.
Real arctic wolves generally have the same eye color as other wolves, being brown/orange/yellow/gold/sometimes greenish. I believe arctic wolves' eye color tends towards the darker end, if anything.
So basically I'm asking them to change the arctic wolf art to represent their real life eye colors, being in that brown to yellow range.


Posted 2021-12-19 06:28:42
No support personally, bc I think they do tend towards/include game-appearance wolves for NPCs/encounters (especially visible on LD) though not to an extreme (the coigreach wolves, etc.) If anything I'd like to see more small indications that players' wolves aren't total freaks - the occasional unusual pelt tone, eye colour, etc. I feel like it helps tie the world together.


Posted 2021-12-19 07:09:43 (edited)
The explore encounter is named after and represents a real wolf subspecies. I'd find it weird if they gave a wolf encounter purple eyes or green markings and called it a "Mexican wolf" for example. I don't mind other encounters looking unrealistic, like event encounters or wolves that aren't called a a particular subspecies. But they are explicitly called "arctic wolves," so I feel it's valid to point out this innaccuracy-especially since it ties into the real world misconception that adult arctic wolves have or can have blue eyes.


Posted 2021-12-19 08:04:23 (edited)
It's a valid point/suggestion for sure, don't take my non-support as anything but personal taste/voicing my opinion :V Though come to think of it there's a pretty weird wolf in one of the tundra (i think?) groups with a dark muzzle, no clue if there's more oddities across the other regions.

For what it's worth I think purple and green marks would be going too far lol (edit: by pelt tone i meant more maeve and sirona than anything)


Posted 2021-12-19 08:11:34
The tundra wolf is realistic, there's real wolves that look more or less like that!


Posted 2021-12-19 15:58:11
Oohhhh what's that colour called? Is it different from a black wolf? (Not the literal colour but the domestic gene origin.) (I make textures for an animal minecraft mod and if it's different I want to catalogue it bc we only have black and mel.) Anyway I still don't support sorry, it's not that I don't think it's a good suggestion, I'd just personally prefer there was actually less of a "barrier" between user wolves and npc ones (even when it's subtle) and the point of the forum is to discuss this kind of stuff. :,)


Posted 2021-12-19 16:01:06 (edited)
I am pretty sure it's a variation of the black wolf pattern. If you look at black wolves, they range from fully black, to not entirely black-but the parts that tend to stay black are the face and legs! It also only seems to show up in populations where there are also black wolves I believe, so that's my guess. There's also similarities between this black pattern and the "seal" pattern in dogs, which when genetically tested shows Kk-the same gene that is responsible for black in wolves.

Also my main issue is that since all the wolf subspecies encounters pretty accurately represent the subspecies they show, the arctic wolf being the only one with blue eyes makes me think that it was given those blue eyes because of the common misconception that arctic wolves are blue eyed. It's a very minor detail but I would like it changed because I feel it does pedal the misinformation a bit. Again, I am totally fine with explore encounters with funky wolf colors, and the event wolves that had purple eyes and stuff-that does not bother me, it's mostly that these are portraying real subspecies and I feel this ties into a very common misconception about one of them, whereas the others are accurate.


Posted 2021-12-19 16:06:39
Nice, I'm gonna see if we can have it as a variant. :)


Posted 2021-12-19 16:09:02 (edited)
Yea! They're very pretty, they can also be more brown too

Edit: link
You can see some on 2020's Yellowstone wolf report too.


Posted 2021-12-20 19:06:17
I acknowledged this game's lack of realism already, I am well aware that it is not intended to be an accurate-to-life experience. However this is an issue of consistency; the other wolf subspecies all look accurate, and this detail seems to stem from a misconception/misinformation.
I know and already said that this detail is incredibly minor and would go unnoticed to most people, and would probably not bother almost anyone. Unfortunately for myself, I have very bad OCD, so this stuff does tend to stick out to me, but I realize that experience is far from universal. However, as this is such a minor detail, it would also be a very minor fix. I wouldn't be asking for a fix for something so small if I thought the fix for it would be difficult, but all it would require is a quick, tiny recolor and replacing the image. Coming from an artist.


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