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Shifting Winds: Private RP between Crazed and Dawnblaze!

Posted 2022-01-16 21:58:45
"Not one bit," She admitted. "I'm still scared. But thanks." She took a deep breath, steeling her resolve. "Ready."
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-21 21:35:07
Rushpaw nodded before he padded up to the leader's den and peered in, "Archstar?" The older tom lifted his head from the nest he laid in, his ear flicking as he gazed at the younger cat across from him.
"Rushpaw. What is it? We aren't having trouble with the elders again, are we?" The leader mused with a soft chuckle
"Er, no. Not this time. I actually have someone who wants to meet you... she's looking to join the clan...if you'll allow it" he couldn't help but avoid the leader's eyes, shuffling his paws a little as he glanced behind him and beckoned Cinnamon into the den with his tail.

Posted 2022-01-21 22:28:31
Cinnamon was unsure what to do. Should she bow? Grovel? Lie down? She padded forward lightly, bowing her head low. Her green gaze travelled to Archstar's face, and she shot a nervous side-glance at Rushpaw, asking him the silent question what do I do?
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-24 19:18:18
^ (Sorry for being impatient-)
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-25 20:57:13
Rushpaw looked back at her with a bit of a shrug to him. What?! Did she think it was every day he just strolled into the leader's den? "Her name is Cinnamon.." he said quietly, noticing the narrowing of the leader's eyes. "She's a kittypet." Archstar mused, the tip of his tail lashing a little. "Not by choice...she-" "Where did you meet her? Were you at the border again?" He growled softly, ears pinning back a bit. "I-er...maybe?" Rushpaw chuckled awkwardly. Archstar shook his head with a small grumble, but turned his attention to her, taking a more calm demeanor towards her. "So you want to join the clan? Kittypet life not suit you?" He inquired, looking her over. "She said--" Rushpaw began but was cut off by a sharp look from his leader. "I'm sure our guest can speak for herself, Rushpaw." He hummed, dismissing him.

Posted 2022-01-25 21:04:05
"Y-yes. I was born as a kittypet, and then taken away at two moons from my mother to be another house cat. If given the chance, I would have gladly run away, but my Twolegs kept a fence that I couldn't climb till now. So... kittypet life just... isn't as eventful and satisfying, and the life of a warrior that I have only discovered now is better than any life I could have been born into," Cinnamon finally found her voice, lowering her head slightly as a sign of respect for Archstar. She cast a small side-glance at Rushpaw. Did I do okay?
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-25 21:19:33
Rushpaw gave a smile and a nod back, did great! Archstar seemed to think so too, as he didn't look quite as frustrated. "I understand. If you think that this life would be better, I see no reason why you shouldn't be given a chance to prove yourself to the clan and to me. So we'll start with a trial before naming you an official member. A few days to get a taste of what this life is and if you can handle it. We could always use more young and eager cats."

Posted 2022-01-26 01:01:33
It seemed like a huge weight had been lifted off Cinnamon's shoulders; she straightened, her eyes shining eagerly. "Thank you, Archstar," She said respectfully, dipping her head.
Dawn 🌼

Posted 2022-01-26 05:43:23
Archstar nodded back to her, "you're welcome. For now you can stick with Rushpaw and his mentor. They'll help you get settled in and such. Stormshade will let me know how you've been doing and I will keep an eye on you myself. If you show promise, I'll name you a full member of the clan and assign you your own mentor." He then looked at Rushpaw, "And as for you, I'm assigning you to guide her everywhere since you brought her here. And for disobeying and sneaking off again, you're on den cleaning and assisting the elders for the next week."
"Noooo," he groaned, "not assisting the elders! I'd rather eat mouse dung!"
"It can't be that bad, can it?" Archstar mused
"It's awful...."
"Hm. Well maybe you should consider that the next time you sneak off and get into trouble," the leader purred, "now run along. Tell Stormshade to meet me in here please."

Rushpaw groaned a little more, "okay," he looked at Cinnamon and brightened up a little more. "Come on! I can give you a good tour now"

Posted 2022-01-26 05:50:24
Cinnamon raised an eyebrow, holding in an amused smile. "A tour would be nice, thanks! You get in trouble a lot, I take it?" She asked, her eyes twinkling. "Come on, let's go!"

Stormshade passed by, her eyes slightly widening in surprise at seeing her apprentice with a she-cat who appeared to be not from ThunderClan. "Rushpaw, who-" She started.
Dawn 🌼

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