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🌨️ Hazel's Wolf Sanctuary 🌨️

🌨️ Hazel's Wolf Sanctuary 🌨️
Posted 2020-10-20 12:08:06 (edited)

You walk into a strange place. Tall pine trees stick out of the ground, towering over your ear tips and paw pads. You can't help but feel the need to run away, though something is pulling you forwards. You take a deep breath as you walk through the pine trees, closing your eyes when there is nothing to see but darkness. 

Feeling rock underneath your paw pads, you open your eyes and see a very beautiful, yet scary, cave. The roof was lined with moss as if it was stuck there by an Angle. Or maybe just sap? Why was this cave here? There was no bear scent, nor cougar scent. 

A large, yet old, wolf trots up to you from the back of the cave. You soon realize, you and her are not the only wolves here. Other smells linger.

"Hello" she says. Her voice is strong and full of wisdom. "My name is Pine." She said and didn't ask for your name. She flicked her tail. "It seems the Goddesses have chosen you to come to this beautiful place. This is the home of lost wolves. These wolves have nowhere else to go. They were found in the wilderness alone and tired and bruised because other packs say that they are useless at first glance. Though these wolves have much potential. You just need to see under their scars." She explained, bringing you further into the den until bright sunlight filled it. Your eyes  were shocked when you saw tons of puppies running around and playing in a bright clearing in the middle of the forest. There was a large prey pile with some older wolves chatting beside it. "These adult wolves caught that prey themselves, you know. They have talent." She murmured. She looked at you with worried eyes. "Take one home with you. They need a real home. Though there is a price." She said, her bright, yellow eyes shining into your soul. For some reason you don't feel as safe as before. 


This is my wolf sanctuary. All of these wolves come at a cheap price and are all fairly young. All these wolves were found in explore. If you are interested in any of them, just send me a howl!

I do understand that there is not much of a selection as of right now, but it will expand, I promise :)



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