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Newbie in need of help!

Newbie in need of help!
Posted 2021-12-12 12:47:15 (edited)
So, I started playing this game last month after a friend on discord recommended it to me. It's pretty fun to say the least! Though I've got a couple of questions.

1. What are all of the ways to get sc? I'm currently suffering with only 2 sc under my belt.

2. What does a wolf need to have to be considered 'rare'?

3. What are mutations? What do they do?

4. How do I get more decorations for my wolves?

5. At what age do puppies grow up? I can only house 7 pack adults and I currently have 6 adults in my pack along with 3 puppies, so it would be good to know when I should start worrying about expanding my territory.

6. What are some terms I should know? (ex TI, or whatever that means)

If anyone could answer my questions, I would be extremely grateful!! 


Posted 2021-12-12 16:28:38 (edited)
I'll give it my best shot at answering all these!

1. There are quite a few ways to get SC with some being better than others. One of the easiest ways is to complete quests. You can get quests from the questing snake in Crossroads. The quests are worth different amounts of SC, with easy giving around 50 SC, medium 100 SC and hard 150 sc. The next easiest way is to play the games, also found in crossroads. Fishing can give up to 100 sc a day and playing the slots can sometimes give good rewards to sell or just straight sc. It doesn't always give you something however, so it is a risk and if you are in need of SC, it might be better to stay away from it for the time being. You can also make SC by selling extra food from your hunters or amusement items in the Trading Center. Small amounts of sc can be found by exploring with your lead in certain encounters and defeating opponents in battle can sometimes give trophies or sc.

2. A wolf being 'rare' has a ton of variables. Wolves with raffle stud traits are usually considered rare. Raffle stud traits can be gotten by breeding to the raffle stud. Raffle stud marks are usually eventually released on Random Marking Applicators or Total Shuffles. Some examples are Storm eyes and Brown Wings marking. Wolves with primary mutations are rare, as are brachy carriers. Having a wolf be a double carrier is pretty rare. Some bases are also considered rare, usually those that are tier 3 or special bases (*). There are some marking colors that can only be gotten through breeding two colors together and can be considered rare. There are even more ways to have a "rare" wolf than what I just listed so the easiest way to find out if your wolf can be considered rare is to check the Trading post and create requirements to search for wolves similar to your to see what they are priced at (the higher the price, the rarer the wolf).

3. There are two types of mutations- primary and secondary. Primary mutations are usually non-genetic, meaning that there is no way to breed for it specifically and instead there is a random (very low) chance of it occurring on each new pup that is generated.  Brachycephaly is the exception to this. It is a recessive mutation so in order to get it, both parents must have a copy of the gene. All primary mutations are lethal which means that the pup will not survive to adolescence. If you want to keep a lethal mutation pup, you have to make it immortal using a Jellyfish. Secondary mutations are recessive and non-lethal. Albinism and melanism are currently the only two secondary mutation in the game. They both result in lineart change, with albinos being white with pink skin, nose, and eyes. Melanism wolves look completely black, although their eye color can vary. Wolves with secondary mutation still have marks present under their mutation and can pass along those marks just like any other mark. In order for a wolf with a secondary mutation to produce a mutated pup, it must be bred with a wolf that also carries a copy of the gene.

4. Decorations and backgrounds can be bought from other players in the Trading Center, or from the Raccoon in Raccoon Wares. The backgrounds in the raccoon shop are dependent on what biome you live in. You can also buy lunar decor from the Lunar Shop, which is only open during a real life lunar event or at the end of each month. Some encounters in explore have a low chance of dropping small decors like butterflies. Other decor, like Bone Decor and Goldenseal Accent, can be crafted in your hoard once you've learned the recipe for them. You can also buy custom decor in Crossroads, although it usually costs GC or a large amount of SC. Custom decor is decor that has been created by others players using the custom decor item found in the grove.

5. Puppies are attached to their mother (unweaned) from their birth to 2m of age. At this stage they get a survival bonus if their mother is fully fed and played with. They cannot be fed or played with at this stage. At 2 1/2 months they wean and you have to start feeding them and playing with them. This is also the age when pup training is available, after you complete the pup training quest. At 6 months, a pup becomes an adolescent. This is when they can begin shadowing adults to gain up to 20 proficiency in a role. At 1 year old, an adolescent becomes an adult and changes from a pup slot to an adult slot. The day before an adolescent ages up (when they are 11 1/2 months old) there will be a warning banner on your den page if an adolescent is at risk of running away on rollover due to a lack of space. There will also be a warning message in your rollover summary that you got at the beginning of that day.

6. TI refers to the rarity or tier of the base of a wolf. A TI is a tier 1 and are the most common. After TI is TII, which is slightly rarer but still fairly common. TIII bases are typically much harder to get and are usually breed only (TI & TII can be gotten through the customizer or base changers). Some TIII bases, such as Fox, do have an applicator that can be crafted or bought. There are also special tier bases, denoted T*. Special bases can be gotten through breeding to a T* wolf or applicators from events and shops.
TI, TII, TIII = Tier 1,2,3. Also sometimes seen as T1, T2, T3
NIB = Non- inbred or No inbreeding
IB = Inbred
Inbreeding refers to the wolf's lineage. If the same wolf appears twice in your wolf's lineage, it is typically considered inbred.
TC = Trading Center
SC/ GC = Silver Cones and Gold Cones. Sometimes you will see players mistype it as SB or GB, which stand for Silver Beetles and Gold Beetles, the currency found on Wolvden's sister site Lioden.
Mela/albino/brachy = A shortened version of a mutation name - melanism, albinism, and brachycephaly respectively.
Carrier = A wolf that has a single copy of recessive mutation
IBF = Instant birth feather, a grove item that makes your wolf give birth instantly
NBW = New Befriended Wolf, a wolf that bonded with in Explore. They have no heritage so are also called heritage-less or G1
G1, G2, G3, etc = Generation 1, 2, 3. Refers to how many generations a wolf has in its heritage. A wolf with "Unknown" parents is G1. If a wolf has two G1 parents, then it is G2. A wolf's gen is based off of its longest familial line. Ex) Puppy's father is a G1 and mother is a G3. The mother has the longer line so the puppy is G4, not G2.
1M, 2M, 3M etc = 1 marking, 2 markings, 3 markings, etc. This refers to the number of marks a wolf has
Fodder/ Enclave = a pup that is typically cheaper and intended to be used for Enclave quests
RO = Rollover
CD = Usually refers to custom decor
Het BW / Het BB = Refers to the eye color of the wolf being heterochromic. The BW/BB is the color, Black & white or Blue& Brown
RMA = Random marking applicator, a grove item that gives your wolf a random marking from a pool. Some marks can only be gotten through a RMA
RC / R&C = Raise and chase, a practice of raising a pup up to adulthood and then chasing them in order to add them to the pool of chased wolves you can find in explore (chased adols and pups are deleted from the game)

If you have any more questions, feel free to send me a message!

Sunspot Forest-On hiatus

Posted 2021-12-12 16:38:00
Welcome! Hope you enjoy the game!
1) Explore constantly. Some encounters can earn you sc, and others can give you items that are useful, or that you can sell. Make sure you are constantly sending out your hunters and your scouts. They can bring back things you can sell if you aren't using them. Any single-use food items (like eggs and dead rats) can be sold to the raccoon shop for a pretty good rate. Other food can be sold on the TC to other players.
2) Rare wolves have qualities, like eyes, markings, or bases, that are hard to come by. For instance, violet eyes only come from the violet eye applicator or from wolves who are descended from those that had such applicators applied to them. There are a lot of factors that can go into making something rare.
3) I'm not a mutation expert, but they are sometimes random (like polycephaly) and sometimes genetic (like albinism) some are just cosmetic, and some are lethal and will kill any pup that is born with them.
4) Decor can be crafted. You have to get the recipes to learn them. They can be obtained by exploring and by sending out your herbalist to forage. Not ALL decors can be crafted, though. Some you can buy from the raccoon shop (there are different objects in the shop depending on where you are.) Also you can buy some from other players on the TC.
5) Puppies are adults as of 12 months/1 year. Each time you roll over it progresses time by 2 weeks.
6) T1 means tier one. The most common type of base. There is also Tier 2, Tier 3, and Special (Special is usually abbreviated as T*) I will leave the rest of the terminology to someone else because I have to go to work soon!

Feel free to message me with any qs!


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