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Immortal Wolves and Pup Stages

Immortal Wolves and Pup Stages
Posted 2021-11-21 11:47:11
If I buy pup stages after having frozen my pups, will their stage image change if they were frozen at that age?

Ex: If I have a pup frozen when it was a 2 1/2 months old, will its art change to the young puppy art or stay the same?


Posted 2021-11-21 20:54:44
Hello! I believe like how a pup would change stages if it comes from a pack that doesn't have the stages unlocked and they're of a newborn or young puppy age, it should indeed change!

If not, it's best to report it as a bug, as it def should change it's stage if it's of age requirement.


Posted 2021-11-21 21:05:10
Thanks for the info!

And don't worry, I haven't actually bought them yet.
I was just wondering because I've been thinking about buying them but forgot how old some of my pups were when I froze them (and I wanna keep them in standard puppy stage).

So for now I think I'll wait until either age appearance changing items are added, or until I'm able to buy GC again and just find some older pups to freeze and customize them to look like the other pups.


Posted 2021-11-21 21:09:12
You're very welcome, and ahh, that makes sense!

I'm sure the age appearance items might be added at some point, but probably not for awhile, if at all. I hope so, though!

I hope you have a wonderful night, or day, depending on timezone :D


Posted 2021-11-21 21:10:12
Thanks, you too! :)


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