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Mentoring for Adult Wolves to Influence Stat Gains

Mentoring for Adult Wolves to Influence Stat Gains
Posted 2021-11-19 11:00:12
Right now, mentors can only train pups. But pups aren't the only ones who could benefit from mentoring; young adults could also learn from someone with more life experience.

I'd like to propose a system where mentors can train young adult wolves. This would not increase the young adult's total stats, but would influence their stat distribution at level up, causing a higher proportion of their stats to be allocated to role-appropriate stats.
- A mentor can train a young adult (1-3 years old) in stalking, chasing, finishing, scouting, or herbalism.
- After the training concludes, the algorithm for all of the young adult's subsequent level ups is modified so there's a higher chance of the role-appropriate stats. (For scouts, that would be strength + wisdom. The rest are self-explanatory. Finishers would receive a greater % buff because they only have one role-appropriate stat.)
- A young adult can decide to change course in life and receive a different mentor lesson, in which case only the most recent one would apply. (Example: Young Wolf receives a chaser mentorship. He gets +spd/+agi on his level ups. A year later, he decides he wants to be a finisher instead, and receives a finisher mentorship. Now he will get ++str on his level ups instead.)

Benefits of this system:
- More stuff for mentors to do! My mentors sit around all day, they would love more to do.
- More focused stat builds for working wolves. In particular, this helps solve the "finisher problem" of finishers who decide they want to dump all their points in their secondary stat.
- Even NBWs can benefit, whereas right now, they're locked out of pup and adol training.


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