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M x M roleplay

Posted 2021-12-06 13:34:31
anok shrugged "ok...?"

volca would laugh and say "a room where people who love each other hang out"

kali would blush and say "well what usually happens is somebody claims to love me then boom i end up poisoned or cut up" kali would shrug and say "well what are you then? human and what?"
♛☯ 𝔻E卂Ťн 𝓛𝓸Řᗪ ☯♛

Posted 2021-12-06 13:42:51
Benzo nodded before walking back thinking to himself quietly. why was he acting like this? there is no reason to, was he actually upset about his choices he made? He cared for him, hell he even risk a life for anok in a heart beat. But why is he conflicted, not only that but..confused?

Dune stared at them a little "a......sure.....? i have to get back to cleaning after though.." They looked at the time then back at Volca.

Sage smiled and shook her head a little, while her face is still in concern "i wouldnt ever do that to you kali..I worked with you fr too long..if i would have done would have been a long time ago.." she said brushing hair out of their face a little. "and as for..erm..what i snake..half..sea creature? from back serphant? and..a...maybe......a bird? i think?.." she furrows her brows a little "i dont know what they call it..but that hehe" she smiled abit more.

Super_Nova (he/they)

Posted 2021-12-07 06:17:52
anok shrugged he was curious but decided to stop bothering benzo as much he liked him yeah but he kept pissing him off so he decided to but out for good.

kali would smile and say "well your interesting im not sure what i am other than manticore and lust demon" kali shrugged and scooted away from sage a bit as she said that she seemed hungry but hungry for something other than food she started getting pale and making weird noises.

volca would smile and say "yeah! lets go friend" she got up and saw kali. before grabbing her by the hand and running away with her until finally reaching a medical room and stabbing kali with a weird colored syringe.
♛☯ 𝔻E卂Ťн 𝓛𝓸Řᗪ ☯♛

Posted 2021-12-07 10:49:47
Sage and dune quickly ran after them. Sage's face grew with concern and blush " ok Kali?!" she said as they ran over and hugged them.

Dune looked in confusion, whilst benzo walked to the pillow room and looked around. "hello? anyone in here still?"

Super_Nova (he/they)

Posted 2021-12-07 10:58:35
volca stepped in front of kali and stopped sage from approaching her. "i dont know who or what you are but i don't trust you..."
"kali is a special case an experiment my people created...we are more of angelic beings who placed kali here on account that they were ruthless even the mere sight of them they would kill the person who saw them" volca explained "we sent her here so she could learn what feelings are other than being a highly unstable and dangerous being she is a cannibalistic creature who needs human meat every now and then"

kali would look away embarrassed of herself and her being. anok sighed "we were put here to control kalimara's urges and strengths to keep her from altering and disrupting this reality"
♛☯ 𝔻E卂Ťн 𝓛𝓸Řᗪ ☯♛

Posted 2021-12-07 11:03:43
Sage furrowed her brows " would of eaten me?.." her face saddened a little "is that why tehre really isnt any traces of people working with you?.." she looked at kali " used them to get closer..didnt you.."

Dune continued to look confused.

Super_Nova (he/they)

Posted 2021-12-07 11:06:57
kali would shake her head no she lowered her ears and approached sage but backed away.

anok would speak "she didn't use you your the first person she hasn't eaten...she did eat your boss though and the man who threatened to kill you"
♛☯ 𝔻E卂Ťн 𝓛𝓸Řᗪ ☯♛

Posted 2021-12-07 11:10:32
Sage eyes widened "wait..WHAT?! So you did kill the boss! You lied to me?!" she accidentally snapped a little and talked without thinking. She held her mouth a little and signed. "i..why did you do it kali?.." she said calmly as she walked towards her slowly, presenting herself as calm and comforting " did you know about him?.." She furrowed her brows even more with abit of a scared face "he..didn't hurt you right?.."

Dune looked around and grabbed a bag of popcorn and started to heat it up.

Super_Nova (he/they)

Posted 2021-12-07 11:16:12
kali would look away and move some of her hair out her face showing a scar. "yes...and i didn't wanna lose you...thats why i had a monster i know but i hope--" she stopped herself before turning to the door and running back to the blanket room.
♛☯ 𝔻E卂Ťн 𝓛𝓸Řᗪ ☯♛

Posted 2021-12-07 11:20:36
Sage quickly ran after them "k-kali wait!" she said with tears in their eyes as she hugged them tightly from behind.

Benzo was in the fort hugging a pillow close against him as he was tearing a little.

Dune groaned and pouted "it was just getting intresting! and the popcorn was almost done..." they mummbled grabbing it and eatting it whilst pouting.

Super_Nova (he/they)

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