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Coigreach Event Theory: European Portal

Coigreach Event Theory: European Portal
Posted 2021-11-01 07:58:08
So today is the first day of the month-long Coigreach event. From what little information I got from the news post and explore encounters, I have a theory that the storyline will involve a portal between Europe and North America.

We pretty much all agree that Wolvden takes place in North America. All our prey animals (pronghorns, bisons) are native to this continent. This month, we start seeing animals from the Eurasian continent in Explore. Two examples I have encountered are the Eurasian lynx and white stork. We also see wolves disappearing from other packs.

The banner of this event displays a stone structure/gateway that looks a lot like a portal. I think it may be responsible for the animals being swapped.

Really excited to see the event unfold. Let me know if you see anything interesting or have more observations on what Coigreach is about.

Posted 2021-11-01 22:02:34 (edited)
I've seen numerous Eurasian red squirrels, as well as a couple European badgers. A couple of the new herbs my Herbalist found (elderberry and elfwort) are Eurasian. So, I think this is definitely the case. There's something/someone transporting European animals, plants, and fungus to the Wolvden realm in North America. Since this is a Celtic inspired event, this would make sense. I think that the missing wolves are being transported the opposite direction, which is why no one can find them. I've found wolves who seem lost and don't recognize the plants here, too, which tells me they're from a different continent.


Posted 2021-11-01 22:38:51
I met musk deer which is form Eurasian.

After searching I found that smoke quartz is important in Celtic legend and lore, but there are more smoky crystals in the Americas, this might imply something.

I think plants may also play a big role in the swapping event, because some of the new backgrounds are showing plants that grows in strange ways, and the new colours for apps are Clover, Moss and Wisp. Maybe some wolves are casting spells with stones and plants, and come to America in order to get more smoky crystals?

New decorations may offer more information, due to my poor knowedge about European culture, I can't figer out any thing from them. (You can see new items for Coigreach event in Item Catalogue  by search in ID descending)


Posted 2021-11-02 09:53:51 (edited)
Just another addition, I've had several encounters with what appears to be a slow worm (your leader literally describes it as not being able to tell if it is a snake, a lizard or a worm). They're also a European species.

(also, given that the meaning of Coigreach is something along the lines of 'stranger/foreigner' I'd say we're definitely dealing with a portal transporting wolves across the ocean lol. I'm hyped!)


Posted 2021-11-02 22:49:37
I hope you dont mind me throwing in my additional Coigreach event theory. I feel that with the new herbs having descriptions alluding to illnesses that aren't in the game yet, plus the hint in the news post that we should stock up on them... I think that in next year or so the November event will include a sort of mini-plot on the introduction of new diseases in the local wolf population (what with what's going on IRL I fully understand why it might be in bad taste to roll it out now)


Posted 2021-11-03 22:38:13 (edited)
So I am a big Celtic languages nerd, and I've been doing research into the etymology and translation of the words used in the event. Brokenwing was right that 'coigreach' means stranger/foreigner in Scottish Gaelic. 'Chaorainn' , the name of Maeve's pack, is the name of a mountain in Scotland, and she mentions the pack living in the foothills when you meet her.

The will o' wisps (little floating lights encounters) are a very prominent Celtic myth and are responsible for leading travelers astray, which would track with all the wolves disappearing. There are encounters that mention the sounds of howling wolves or crying pups, which could also be a reference to wisps mimicking the sound of people to draw travelers off the path. I personally hope that they play a lot more with other Celtic myths about portals between realms and faeries, since they have already borrowed some of the lore.
ALSO, using ⦑ҍᛃ𐍂Ꭵᗫꍌ૯⦒'s tips about the item catalogue, a lot of the background decors are places in Britain. and there's Sidhe decor! Sidhe are Celtic faeries! These ones seem to be the more malevolent faeries that signal death so I'm excited to see how they're introduced!

Edit: Did more research, thanks to the New Grouse House guide for Coigreach, and found out an interesting thing about the Chaorainn pack names. Maeve is the name of a legendary Irish warrior queen. Sirona is the name of a Gaulish (the predecessor to Celtic cultures and language) goddess of healing. Conall is also the name of a legendary Irish hero and also means 'mighty wolf'. Lowell comes from the French word for wolf and basically means 'little wolf'. So all very thematic and wolfy and it gets me very excited to see if the devs will play on the legendary figure/goddess aspect of the Chaorainn pack's names!


Posted 2021-11-04 08:41:17
Thanks Psych for being up the herbs! I didn't realize they mention illnesses in their descriptions until now. One of the herbs, Wood Betony, has an especially interesting description:

This European herb prevents nightmares and minor ailments.

I remember the first Lunar event news page mentioned something about "dreams collapsing into nightmares"… Unlikely, but could there be any ties between the two events?

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