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Minigame Idea: Hexidecimal/Sparkledog Wardrobe

Minigame Idea: Hexidecimal/Sparkledog Wardrobe
Posted 2021-10-30 08:10:26
Hi devs!

Today, I had an idea for a new minigame.

I think it would be cool to have a "bonus" wardrobe (like the anthro one) where you can put any hex color as the base, eyes, nose, skin, claws, and markings. The hexidecimal/sparkledog wardrobe wolves probably won't be able to be incorporated anywhere else, since I understand that would be a nightmare for the genetics system.

I understand if this idea is too close to "requesting new bases/marking/etc." and is therefore not allowed. I also understand if it is too labor-intensive. I have no idea what coding stuff for a site is like, so many apologies in advance if this idea is unreasonable; feel free to disregard it if so!

In order for my idea to get added to the game, I think the following will be required from the devs: artwork, coding.

Thank you for considering my suggestion!

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