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Senior stage

Senior stage
Posted 2021-10-23 22:49:19
I think having a Senior stage for the wolves would help by telling the difference between Adult wolves and Senior wolves and if you have a Senior wolf in your hunting party there can be a pop up saying "there is a wolf in your hunting party that is too old to continue hunting", and I know that this one might sound bad but since older animals are more exposed to getting sick. The Senior wolves would have to go see the herbalist to see what's wrong with them and would make sure that they have that medicine in stock.


Posted 2021-10-23 23:40:07
Support!  I actually think this would be a lot of fun and would bring another element of realism to the game.  Older wolves are indeed more likely to get ill or injured.  If I'm not mistaken, the likelihood of a wolf acquiring an illness or injury is determined by RNG.  Perhaps the chances of a wolf over, say, 7 years of age could be adjusted upward a little (I'm talking like single digit percentage here, very small but enough to notice).  Additionally, having art for this stage like we do for puppy/adolescent/adult would be super cool.  Adding grey fur on the face and muzzle, maybe more noticeable lines in the face, maybe make the wolf appear a little thinner.


Posted 2021-11-08 15:00:48
I honestly think it would be pretty cool to be able to buy a senior stage from the Grove like you can with the pup stages. I'd love to have a grizzled old mentor.

Argent Jay

Posted 2021-11-09 11:43:29
I'd prefer if this were just a cosmetic addition; wolves already have a random chance of dying once they're old enough, I don't see the need to add any health complications before that :(


Posted 2021-11-09 18:53:45
I do not want to lose my hunters out of their roles any earlier than I already do. So, I do not support this. I like that my oldies are able to still perform their roles and contribute to the pack  (and train them young whippersnappers). Changing the age in which I would have to breed and train their replacements is not something I want, they are already pushing 6 or 7 by the time I manage to level them to 20 in some cases.
I also am not a huge fan of them looking old (definitely not if they look thin or unhealthy), but if it was optional I would be fine with that being implemented.


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