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Icon Help

Icon Help
Posted 2021-10-16 11:59:28
I'm trying to make this my icon, but keep receiving the same error message.

I've made a large (~300x300?, here) and small (100x100, the one in the link) version of it, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

I keep getting the "Your tag must be a valid image URL - make sure it starts with http:// or https:// and ends with an image format (e.g. .jpg, .png, .gif)." error. I've copied the links in every way imaginable - straight from the address bar, copying the image address, etc. but nothing is working. What, exactly am I doing wrong, and how do I fix it?


Posted 2021-10-17 13:57:00
What are the URLs you have tried?

It will help to follow what the error message is telling you. If you look at the URL you have pasted, be sure to check the beginning and end of the URL.
At the beginning, a valid URL starts with "http://" or "https://". Are either of these missing from your URL?
At the end, a valid URL ends with ".png", ".jpg", or ".gif". This is important for the image to render at all. If these do not exist at the end of your URL, your image will not be retrievable.

The image you linked has a pretty long URL that actually lacks the .png/.jpg/.gif ending. You might have to upload that image somewhere else (I would suggest Imgur) that can give you a shorter URL that works. I wrote this post a while back that explains how to use Imgur to do so.

*barks at you*

Posted 2021-10-18 09:51:19
Thank you so much!

I had tried copying all the st.ash links (everything from copying from the address bar directly/to the little "share here" link it gives/copying the image address, to just. Adding .png at the end of the addresses? XD)

Idk, I was just. Really confused why none of the links were working, especially since stash worked on Lioden before, from what I remember? (It's how I had my icon on there)

Anyway, I made an Imgur like you suggested and it works now, so thank you!


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