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Lf: Lots of wolves with specific bases

Lf: Lots of wolves with specific bases
Posted 2020-10-19 11:12:29

Hello! As the thread says, I'm looking for A LOT of wolves. 

Here are my preferred wolf bases in order from most wanted to least wanted:

1. Mojave

2. Diorite 

3. Lavender 

4. Zircon

5. Arkose

6. Feldspar

7. Tombac

8. Calcite

9. Almandine

10. Ebony

I'm trying to build up my pack and am new so right now I can only really offer art. Depending on the wolf's base, I can offer different types of art from headshots/icons to full scenes. 

Here are some examples:

Comment below your pups if interested and your price and then I'll get to looking at them. Thanks for helping me! 


Posted 2021-01-18 15:09:46

I just claimed this Ebony NBW but he's kinda plain and I have T2's aging in a week, if you're interested in him he's yours


Posted 2021-01-18 15:19:15

I have a calcite boy up for trade. I'm down for art instead of currency if you'd like him, just PM me if interested. 


Posted 2021-01-19 00:23:21

I have a lavender pup you may like! Lavender


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