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❀ Tipp’s Art Shoppe | YWH tags/headshots/fullbodies and More! [0/6 CLOSED] ❀

❀ Tipp’s Art Shoppe | YWH tags/headshots/fullbodies and More! [0/6 CLOSED] ❀
Posted 2020-10-19 11:11:52 (edited)

DISCLAIMER: For clarification, this is just for fun. I love to draw—especially for other people—but it isn’t my job. I apologize in advance for any delays and do not accept payment beforehand because there will be delays. Thank you so much for your consideration!

❀ Tipp’s Art Shoppe 

Lately I’ve been doodling my wolves for their bios when I thought: “hmm, what if I drew wolves for other folks? That’d be fun!”So, here we are! also this is my first proper art sale post ever so bear with me

❀ YWH Tags 

Tags come in two variants, Goofy and Serious, and include a simple background within the circle, full color (lines included), fur styling of your choosing (Scruffy, Sleek, Short, Long, etc), and versions with and without your Wolvden ID!

Tag Prices: 50SC or 5GC


Posted 2020-10-19 11:12:19 (edited)

❀ YWH Den Dolls 

Have you ever wanted a custom drawing of your wolf to display their personality and character on either your den profile or their biography? Well now you can!

Like the YWH tags, these drawings will come fully colored, lines and all, and fully customized! In addition to the custom poses and fur styles, these wolves can also come with scars and decors of your choosing for a small price extra!

Price: 200SC or 20GC

+ 10SC or 1GC per decor/scars


Posted 2020-10-19 11:12:40 (edited)

❀ YWH Headshots 

Headshots are fairly the same as the Tags and custom YWH drawings—full color, fully custom, Pack Name optional

Prices: 100SC or 10GC

+ 10SC or 1GC per decor/scars!


Posted 2020-10-19 11:13:08 (edited)

❀ Reserved Slots 

• Greentusk #1635 (210sc)

• Greentusk #1635 (210sc)

• Greentusk #1635 (210sc)

• Greentusk #1635 (400sc)

• Gold Bean #7257 (200sc)

• Akugitsune #328 (210sc)


Posted 2020-10-19 17:13:47

So glad you went through with creating the forum post!

I'd really like two Page Dolls for my lead, Tenma and my breeding male, Boombah. Possibly with a reference like this for their poses where Tenma is laying down and Boombah is standing beside her? As for their expressions, I'd prefer if they were stoic/neutral.

If you need any more information you can PM me instead of replying in forums if you'd like to keep it clean. Let me know when I should be giving you payment of 400sc! (Or more, depending on what you see fit).


Posted 2020-10-19 18:17:54


Thank you so much for the commission!! I’ll PM you for the further details and to discuss payment, which I’ll accept once I’m finished with them! (btw they’re gORGEOUS WOLVES HOLY SHIT)


Posted 2020-10-20 15:37:39

Oh wow! I really love the YWH on the first post! Would you be willing to do one of Tavern (symmetrical Markings!), with scruffy fur and maybe if its possible the smiley one without the tongue? (if not thats okay too!) For the Background in the Circle could you possibly turn it into an Orangey Tinted moon? I'll be paying in SC <3, TYSM in advance!


Posted 2020-10-20 18:33:33


OHHHHH HES SO BEAUTIFUL! and of course it’s possible for a smiley wolf without the tongue! I’ll PM you the details shortly, thank you so much!!


Posted 2020-10-20 18:45:26

Awesome! Sounds GReat <3


Posted 2020-10-20 19:03:23 (edited)

Ohmygod I love your Den Dolls there is SO much character in them, the toothy smiling ones are especially divine! I would LOVE a Den Doll of my boy Lohan -- with three eggs please of various type, so 200 SC + 3 Egg so 30 SC = 230 SC total? If I'm reading correctly?


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