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Happy Hallowversary! | a Lore Clan Event

Posted 2021-10-12 21:36:04
It took me three screenshots to capture, but I sent this trick or treat that's 412 words long. This link should work, please tell me if it does not.



Posted 2021-10-12 21:55:40

Got a response and a visit from Weaselheart and Goose! Here's the link!

Should be 6/10 candies, with 145 words for the first encounter and 200 words for the second! if i can math right of course,,,,


Posted 2021-10-12 22:33:16
now I realize that I probably earned the 10 candies for today with just one or two of these entries, but its still fun to share, right?

Posted 2021-10-13 14:18:28
Got Trick or Treated by Ghostie! My last reply was 200 ish words, today. Don't mind the days that it took to finish this Oops


Posted 2021-10-13 14:54:40 (edited)

Zhugar has been watching her friend Ferok go out on all kinds of adventures recently, and she wants in.

She's been going about her costume methodically: as a Scout, one of the things she's most interested in is colors and camouflage, and she wants to show that in her costume. Putting all kinds of leaves on her head and mud in her fur, she wants to blend in with her environment.

But not too much! She also wants to look just scary enough to convince these other packs that she shouldn't be messed with, and they shouldn't trick her: some pieces of bone in her ears (they hurt a little bit to get in, but they looked really cool once that was done!) and some dulled fangs that Kor brought back as a trophy (washed thoroughly by the herbalist first) should do the trick! It may be a little bit hard to talk with the fangs in, but she's convinced that she'll learn learn.

And last but not least, she's going to be prepared. She's more level-headed than Ferok is, and she's going to bring a bag with her, to store the various treats she's expecting to receive! Oh yes, she's planned out her entire plan, from start to finish.

(ooc: it is so hard to find decor for adols. oh my god. never again. two was enough. only adults next. maybe one puppy)


Posted 2021-10-13 19:24:15
Greeted a trick or treater today! That's two points!


Posted 2021-10-13 23:40:16
Got Trick or Treated by Honey! My response should be 102 words. Kor's learned some tricks from Sanneak since her first greet and she's applying her new knowledge :)


Posted 2021-10-13 23:58:01 (edited)
Got Trick or Treated by Olivia! My response should me 102 words.
(lol, sorry Rekuvan, it looks like i just copieed your post, but i didn't )



Posted 2021-10-14 00:48:12
102 is a good number of words, and that's a good combination of words to say what happened :]

By the way, if you're on a Windows computer, you can press Windows Key + Shift + S to immediately use the snip tool, so you can hover over the date stamp of a message so it displays the absolute date and then use that key combination to also get that stamp in your screenshot! Handy to have there to check back later :)


Posted 2021-10-14 00:49:54
Oh yes, i'll try to remind that


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