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Allow Food into Raffles

Allow Food into Raffles
Posted 2021-10-06 08:53:19
I know it sort of goes against the rollover process for food, but I just know so many people who hunt LOTS of food and dont know what to do with it, then there's loads of packs out there, like mine, that live on the Glacier that seriously struggle with food.

What would be awesome is for us to list food as a way of being able to enter into the raffle, then the food would "freeze" until the raffle was over. I know a lot of people might throw in 1 day left to rot food, but a way around this could be to only allow full use and 10 days freshness food to be offered up in the first place.

Anyway it would be a great way for people to get rid of their scraps and people like me to stand a chance to get them :D

MoscoMoon {Lethan} ❄️

Posted 2021-10-06 10:52:19
huge support, you can't use the food while it's in a raffle or anything anyways, so freezing it's decay while its available would be perfect

Idea to add on: maybe if you cancel the raffle, the food rapidly goes through all the days it was "frozen"
ex: Put food in raffle that has 10 days to expire, you cancel the raffle after 10 days, food expires immediately after being returned to you
That way it can't be abused as a way to keep food longer


Posted 2021-10-06 10:59:50
"Freezing" food in raffles would be great (if I recall correctly, food put in gifts in last year's Christmas event got frozen, so maybe that code could be reused?). Alternately, it could just be set up so you can't add food that would rot before the end date of the raffle.


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