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More Flavor Text for Wolves and Items!

More Flavor Text for Wolves and Items!
Posted 2021-10-02 06:07:12
I love Lioden as much as I love Wolvden and one of the main things I feel is lacking in Wolvden is flavor text.

In Lioden, certain foods and toys will trigger certain flavor text to appear.  Foods have basic flavor texts, usually describing how the meat is (like if it's stringy) or the bones crunching, while toys have more specific text accompanying it, like feathers blowing in the wind as the lion chases it around or how they "pretend" the Guilt Trip skull is scary.  They're minuscule, but I find it to be endearing and much better than "Wolf eats 2 uses of food and gains 20% hunger" and "Wolf uses item and gains 10% mood.  Item has lost 1 use."

Not only that, but in Wolvden's sister game, visiting your lions page has a chance to trigger a small box at the top of the page with a couple lines of texts or so that pertains to their personalities, life stages, and mutations, which I think would also fit really well into Wolvden.  Even if they're repetitive on Lioden and I've probably seen all of them by now, I still enjoy reading them and imagining my lions in the scenarios presented.  It's also especially entertaining seeing certain mutations with their own flavor text, describing the very specific scenarios that particular mutation must go through in their daily lives (such as melanistic lions getting too hot in the sun).
Not to mention, cub flavor text is always hilarious to me.  I NEED puppy flavor text.

Again, it just makes the game feel less... mechanical.  It helped the lions actually feel like they had their own personality and made them feel more relatable, which I feel that Wolvden desperately needs.

I feel like, while coding in all of the random, fun text would take some time, it could be something implemented in waves and even expanded upon as the game grows and new ideas for flavor text pop up!  It's not a change that would be particularly game-altering and I would understand it taking a backseat to more important developments!  I would just really like to see some of my wolves' personalities shine through.

Posted 2022-06-11 14:50:26
I support! I miss the cute little flavor text for simply going onto a wolf's page. Fun ideas would be:
* Personalities change or adds text for scouting, gathering herbs, and hunting. Something about a clumsy wolf coming back limping and admitting they tripped on a hole. An aggressive hunter throwing their catch at your feet or a friendly one proudly displaying their kill.
* As you said, flavor text for food. I know opposums are stinky based on their description but Inwant eating that opossum to reflect it. Ideally we could also sometimes get text that reflects the personality of a wolf - aggressive wolves tearing into their meal or getting possessive of it.
* Flavor text for visiting a wolf's page that differs based on roles, gender, age, and personality.
* unique flavor text for pregnant and nursing females
* Unique explore flavor text for leads whp are in a piar bond, pregnant, nursing, or sick.
Lily (GH!)

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