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Newbie Questions

Newbie Questions
Posted 2021-09-28 23:39:35
Heya, I've really been enjoying learning about this game as I go but some things are puzzling me still. I'd appreciate any help or input on any of my questions! I may add more questions as more come to mind as well.

1.) What stuff is the best to turn into nesting material? I'm afraid of accidentally using feathers or items that'd be better suited for other purposes.

2.) Similar to the first question, what things should I generally hold onto for crafting or selling, and what stuff should I be using for food or entertainment? I, so far, have an excess of food, but I don't know if any food types have special purposes, and same for amusement items.

3.) I learned that finding food in winter is more difficult - can food be buried to keep it fresh during the winter? Or is there anything that can preserve food? (I have the food bundle given to me at the start buried since it doesn't seem to have a timer, and I assume it will be emergency food whenever I open it.)

4.) When my lead wolf dies, does the next lead wolf have to be a direct descendent, one of her children? Or can it be any wolf?

5.) Related to the last question, what should I be doing to prepare for a lead wolf change? I know it will still be awhile but I want to be as prepared as possible, to start raising a nice wolf for such a role.


Posted 2021-09-29 05:12:52
1. Herbs are always good as they are often replenished through the herbalist. At the point that you get too many materials to craft nests with, you can only scroll down a certain amount anyway before the site asks you to bury materials to use different items (such as feathers) further down the alphabetical list for making nests.

2. I would say keep battle trophies (items you get from defeating enemies). Feathers make great toys and crafting items, so I would recommend using a wide range of feathers for mood, so you can still gradually increase supplies of feathers for crafting. Food is very readily available, so feed your wolves what they need and sell the rest.

3. Hunting during winter is more difficult, but you should have no issues with feeding your wolves. You will still be catching prey, and your lead wolf will stumble across a lot of carcasses through explore encounters. Food bundles do not expire, but once opened the food given will have an expiry date.

4. Lead wolves do not need to have any relation to your previous lead wolves. A lead wolf is simply the wolf that 'leads' your pack and you explore with. It can be part of a dynasty or a random wolf you found one day and decided to lead your pack.

5. Wolves on Wolvden age one year over 24 rollovers. As such, I would recommend waiting until your lead wolf is 6 years at least (48 rollovers from certain death) to really prepare a next lead. Doing it earlier tends to mean you find better suited wolves that you would then prefer as a lead, or that new markings/bases are released that you would rather have for your next wolf. You have plenty of time, and your preferences/wants/dislikes in a wolf can change over a course of a month. I wouldn't bother finding a next lead right now.

Blue Pigeon

Posted 2021-09-29 06:08:20
To add to what Blue Pigeon said:

1. For nesting materials I usually use Blue Jay feather, because you find a lot of that in explore. And Large Leaf are another great source because after you have built all the caves you need for your pack, you'll end up having a lot of them and they don't have that many uses (save for crafting certain decors)

2. Keep trophies, as Pigeon said, because you'll never know if they will turn out to be ingredients for future recipes. As of now, a lot of them seem useless, but if they were introduced in the game there must be a reason, so devs probably have future plans for them.
Also, I keep even feathers, because they pop up often too as ingredients for recipes. Most players use them for amusement and save 1 use (so that the item isn't destroyed). I have buried tons of 1-use feathers for the future XD

3. Unfortunately, food rot even if buried, so there really is no way to preserve them. My suggestion is to take your time in growing your pack, so that even small prey can feed all of your wolves without struggles. The better your hunters become, the easiest it will be to feed a bigger pack, but that takes a bit of time because your hunters need to build stats and proficiency.

5. As Pigeon said, there is no need to worry about your next lead right now, since your actual lead still has a lot of years to live.
Lots of players, when it's time to get a new lead, like to train them to make them reach at least level 10, so that when they step up and take the lead of the pack, they are already able to find chased wolves in explore (you find them from lv 10 and special NBW from lv 15).
So maybe keep in mind that it will take a bit to train a new wolf (people usually made them level up as scout) if you have lv 10 as a goal before becoming leader.


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